Just a rant. Anyone else more annoyed than ever at the out of control Airbnb helicopter parent ‘Nanny Algorithm’? It’s worse than ever. I have check in instructions added, and guests are instructed at booking on how to find them. I still like to follow up before check in day, to make sure they have what they need. So I’m in the middle of conversation with a guest and Nanny Al butts in with a reminder to add checkin details, “because the next guest will need them too, and you can save repeating yourself”. Oh that last bit…rich. Thanks, I’ve done that already, get out of my conversation, and don’t come back.
I have a permanent reminder on my listing to update safety info. Nothing new to add, but I went ahead and unchecked/rechecked a few boxes anyway, just to make it go away. No joy. It’s there to stay.
Honestly, it’s not a miracle I manage to make it out of bed every day. I do it. Every day, and I do it well. No need to treat me like a 2 year old. I’m proven.
Just now I noticed a message advising me that I have a popular date on my calendar blocked due to booking settings, and that making it available could help me get it booked. Guess what date? July 8th.
I. can’t. Take. It. Anymore.