
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

New Airbnb Commercial

Level 10
Frederick, MD

New Airbnb Commercial


Okay, where to begin?


Yes its cute. The creatures are cute. But....


1) did the ad agency research the antipathy that many hosts have to pets lol? Come on! That's a lot of hair to clean!

2) does anyone feel a little irritated that they may be compared to Bigfoot (or Cousin Itt) if they stay as a guest?

3) would this make you host? It wouldn't make me want to.

4) is the message "hosts view people as monsters?" Seems so. 


Let's focus group this-- I don't know if it has been. What are your impressions?

102 Replies 102

@Sarah977 @Huma0 @Laura2592 

Well the commercial just came on TV. Great until the little child big foot guest was running around with a sheet over its head. So frustrating these ads promote this when host have to pay the entire replacement cost. Sheets and towels are expensive. Really demonstrates how much Airbnb understand or about host.  It defeats the entire purpose of the add to encourage more people to host. 


That's why I haven't done it yet. The push down lever connects to mechanism for the drain stopper. Could disconnect it but then guest might think its broken because it would no longer have a drain stopper. I got that particular faucet for 75% off and its really nice, heavy polished chrome that matches the shower, except it has an extra round bar in the middle of the drain that catches hair. So its really not a problem just cleaning it every six months and only takes a few minutes. But think the screen is very cool idea! And may be a good option. Regular maintenance is a good idea also. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



It seems to vary what guests clog the drains with. I have one shower that has a little circular metal thingy under the decorative grill that sits on top. It's very good at trapping hair and easy to clean.


However, some recent guests managed to continually block the drain. I don't know how they did it, because it wasn't hair. The metal filter, which has small holes so that water gets through but hardly any hair, was totally clogged with some kind of fluff. It's not fluff from the towels because they're white and this was dark. The fluff had really stuck to it. I cleaned it out and a few days later, the same thing. I mentioned it to my cleaner and he said he had noticed a lot of fluff in the bathroom. Weird.



@Huma0 No telling what they did to cause the fluff. A few guest have left black marks on the shower pan. Not sure what they were putting in there, or if they had some kind of shoes? One did cause a tiny chip in the porcelain paint thats the size of pin head but so far hasn't started rusting or anything and its so small its hard to see. Also most of the hair gets caught in the drain cover, the drain pipe is also 2'' as I recall which is bigger than the older shower or tub drains. 

There is a washer/dryer. I put a note on the door of the dryer "Clean lint screen after every use." But some young guest cleaning the lint then put in into the dryer exhaust vent, not realizing the entire point of the lint screen is to catch lint so its doesn't build up in the dryer or vent and catch fire. So I added, "And toss into trash." So maybe your guest are up to something like that as lint is fluffy?  

Oh and anything amiss in the vanity area and you will hear about it from female guest. At least in my experience, like I said, female guest are by far the easiest to host, but the slightest imperfection in the vanity area and they let you know. I have both over head lights in the bathroom, and three bulbs over the vanity so I thought it was too bright, and removed the center bulb but sure enough female guest let me know a bulb was out, so I replaced it. Also the mirror is older with a few imperfections behind the glass in the corner and one dinged me on that, even though she had a nose bleed and ruined pillow cases and sheets, and I told her not to worry about it, smoked outside, filled up trash bin with wine bottles, and I had to knock on the door an hour after check out time to get her out. Left rave review but 4 stars on the vanity mirror. That's why I'm very cautious about having a faucet that has the stopper pull up lever that would be disconnected and not work if I put a drain in that has the screen. But may do it anyway depending on how often it clogs, and if I'll still be cleaning it or have someone else depending on schedule. 

One thing I'm certain about is that guest want good lighting both inside and out. For outside it can just be a single bulb fixture beside the entrance, and many of my guest suggested lighting in the drive where they park, so I installed a flood light that's adjustable. So this ad with guest entering dark house with no lighting at all and no locks is so far detached from what guest want. They don't want dark creepy Airbnb with no locks. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



You could try putting a dab of white nail polish (or whatever the colour the shower pan is) on the chip. If it's so tiny, that might disguise it and seal it. I haven't tried this myself yet, but think I read about it somewhere (maybe even here on the CC).

@Huma0  The nail polish trick is one I've used on chipped tiles, etc. It comes in such a range of colors, you can almost always find a match.


@John5097  You could get a lighted make-up mirror. You'd get 6*s. 🙂

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@John5097 wrote:

even though she had a nose bleed and ruined pillow cases and sheets, and I told her not to worry about it, smoked outside, filled up trash bin with wine bottles, and I had to knock on the door an hour after check out time to get her out. Left rave review but 4 stars on the vanity mirror. 



Oh dear, this sounds like one of those guests that is not self aware at all. I have encountered a few of them. She dings you for a truly minor thing, but overlooks all of her own shortcomings as a guest (if I put bulbs in every socket in my house it would be lit up like a Christmas tree!).


OR, she was very well aware of those shortcomings and therefore expecting less than 5 stars from you and rated accordingly.


I had one guy stay a few years ago when I was still hosting short stays. The morning after he checked in, I asked if everything was okay and if he slept well. He said no, the room is noisy and you can hear the traffic. I apologised and reminded him that yes, indeed you can, which is why it is mentioned on the listing.


The he said the bed is too small. I responded that it was a standard double, as specified on the listing.


A while later, he complained that there were a lot of flies in the room. While it's not unusual for one or two to come in if you leave the windows open in the summer, a lot is strange. I asked if he had any kind of food in the room. He said no. I offered to spray the room, but he didn't want that, which is fair enough. I wondered if he was using some sort of scent that was attracting them but I didn't want to offend him.


Half way through the stay, his partner joined him to celebrate their anniversary. I left a bottle of champagne for them. They broke one of the flutes, told me, but didn't offer to pay for/replace it. Okay, no big deal. When they left, I found that the water carafe (part of a brand new set with matching glasses) had a huge chip in the rim. No idea how they did that.


Plus, there were indeed a lot of flies in the room. I cleaned the room (which was not left dirty) and washed the linens as per usual. The flies all vacated. So, there was DEFINITELY something scented that he was using that was attracting the flies. I've never seen a lot of flies in that room before nor since.


I was sure that I was going to get a 4 star review but he left me 5. I think two things saved me there. One was the bottle of champagne and the other was that I had tried to help him out with a problem with theatre tickets.


I'm not going to mention which nationality this guest was, but I find that guests from that particular country like to complain A LOT and about a lot of things (usually things mentioned on the listing). My standard response is to just remind them that it's mentioned on the listing or say, "Really, that's strange. No one else has ever mentioned that before. Mmm, interesting..." Seems to work most of the time and they usually leave 5 stars.

@Huma0 @I’m more cautious accepting male guest on short notice. If there are no reviews and no profile filled out it will likely be a decline with explanation. As with your other post it also has to do with recent experience. Although I’m still new to request to book and will book the place anyway. I’m simply not interested in guest with missing profile info and very brief message. Some guys stink and pretty sure it was a guy who put dead fish in fridge that stank for a month. 

I only got a 4* in the cleanliness sub category but that did cause me to not get highest rated listing in the state although my overall rating was highest. It just had to be 100% in three sub categories including communication and check in which I have 100%. That guest was just drunk all the time but did reach out requesting stain remover and bleach. 

@Sarah977 @Huma0 I’ll keep the nail polish in mind. Appreciate the tip. I think I’ll try some touch up auto paint though. The tiny dot is right on the shower pan that gets scrubbed with bleach between guest, so may just keep both on hand.


The only problem is some guest don’t read listing at all and only in town 2 days. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



This particular guest seemed to have good personal hygiene and, although there were the small breakages I mentioned, the room was left in a pretty decent state. So, the flies remain a mystery. I am guessing he was using some sort of scent (aftershave, deodorant?) that attracted them to the room. Or, maybe he turned into one of the little monsters we saw in the ad overnight...


I also saw a product on Amazon that's for fixing damage on baths, sinks, tiles etc. (Someone has left a ding right in the middle of my mum's expensive bathtub - I suspect it was her lodger). It has mostly good reviews, but a couple of them say that it doesn't dry completely white and another says it didn't last.

@Huma0 If guest leave the door open flies will get in. Even happened to me a few weeks ago when I was getting ready for fire inspection. I use bug spray in the crawl space but keep in mind its like Florida and way more bugs and flies. I also spray the inside of the trash bins if not flies will breed in there and be more likely to fly in open door. That may be what happened if there were already more flies then normal outside in neighbors trash bins or something? All the windows have screens on them but guest don't open them because AC is on most of the year. Different climate. The paint chip is smaller than a flake of pepper, its size of pin head. Unusual though as that kind of enamel is baked on in an oven and last over 50 years. Guest must have been trying to hammer something in the shower floor? I also don't try and compete against anyone. My listing just happens to be part of my house that I have lived 20 years and I did all the work myself so was able to upgrade a lot of stuff and all new, and really great view, although still most guest would be shocked at how much it cost now. But its no accident I get great reviews or me cheating or not being honest with guest if something crops up. I keep the rates a bit lower so guest book way in advance to get better guest who plan way ahead. I'll probably go up though. I still get some guest who just don't like my profile pic or something. Its amazing how much differently people treat me when I'm with a female friend or even when I had a dog. It happens a lot all the time. In fact I'm surprised hosting has gone so well for me. Occasionally there is the unexpected odd ball guest. My experience also changes. Right now younger guest tend to be the best group but that may change and none are perfect. I also listen to guest, and make improvements whereever possible such as the outdoor lighting. That's why I think this last add is so odd. No one wants to arrive at dark place. I get that its creative but will reinforce both guest and host distrust of booking or renting a place on Airbnb. I know my guest apprciate the well lit parking space and entrance when they arrive after dark and I always leave the light on for them at the entrance. So by their own rating this would have been at least a 3* for check in as it was dark. 

@John5097  "Unusual though as that kind of enamel is baked on in an oven and last over 50 years."


Sometimes there is just a flaw in the glaze on tiles and porcelain, and little chips can appear without it actually being abused in any way. That's been my experience. It has happened on my own stuff that guests have no access to, and that I know I didn't damage myself.

@Sarah977 Maybe although it happened when a guest left scuff marks so was doing some kind of crafting or something. Looks like a tiny speck of dirt and may be although nothing cleans it off which is why I think its a small chip. 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Yes, there could have been something going on outside to draw in the flies, but this room is on the 3rd floor (I think you call it the 4th floor in the States) and very far from any bins. Windows were open in other areas and in the Summer, I always have the back doors open on two floors (to the garden and roof terrace). One or two flies will come in, especially from the garden, but a whole bunch of them, no. Our weather is not that warm.


There were no flies in the room before the guest checked in and, after I changed the linens in the bedroom (with the same detergent/softener) no flies after. I mentioned earlier that there were no flies after I cleaned the room and changed the linens, but now I remember, the flies were gone before I cleaned, just after the linens were changed (I usually make the bed up first when turning over a room), so I am sure it was a case of some sort of scent the guest was wearing.

@Huma0 Makes sense. I don't wear cologne so can't say. I do spray a little bug spray on the blinds and few places where a fly might land just incase one gets in it won't survive too long. 

Sorry you got a guest who complained so much about things clearly detailed in your listing. I get that too but thankfully not a situation where they take their own choices out on me. I guess its more to do with them just having roommates or shared spaces, although that's exactly what they choose to stay. I notice listings in the city get lower reviews because it can be busy. Your listing looks very impressive. I can't imagine anyone complaining for such a great room, house, and host! I think I would enjoy it very much and enjoy staying there! 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



Thanks John. Unfortunately they do sometimes complain. The listing is nice and most people appreciate it, but I think some people:


A. Either can't be bothered to read/digest the information, or they ignore it, assuming what they WANT/IMAGINE is what they will get.


B. Just love to complain. It doesn't even mean they are actually unhappy. Very often those guests leave 5* reviews and lovely feedback. 


C. Some guests seem happy as Larry but start finding things to complain about after you have had to remind them about a house rule, or mentioned some damage they have caused.


There are some genuine reasons why people would not like my listing. 


- The location is not to everyone's tastes. Most people love it because it's so convenient. For others, it's a bit too urban and multi-cultural. It's not posh, but if they knew what the house prices were here, maybe they'd realise it's VERY desirable.

- It's on a busy road, so you can hear traffic noise in the front bedrooms at rush hour.

- It's big and old. I have updated the heating system and try to provide as much extra bedding as needed, but it can still get chilly. There are always maintenance jobs to be done. The floorboards creak because they are Victorian.

- I have three cats. Some people are not comfortable around animals.


Of course, I try to be as clear as crystal about this stuff, but some guests will still book and then complain.