New Airbnb member with no reviews, also under the age of 25

Level 9
New Delhi, India

New Airbnb member with no reviews, also under the age of 25

Is it ok to accept or cancel the booking?

Thank you


7 Replies 7
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sangeeta8 Unless you have good reasons you will be fined and the dates blocked if you cancel the reservation. 

Red flags would be, for me:

Guest is local

Guest books a large place for 1 or 2 nights

Guest books last minute

Guest is evasive as to why they are coming



Level 4
New Delhi, India

I second that. Been running Airbnbs for 15 years and always smell trouble or preempt it. 

Level 9
New Delhi, India

@Mike-And-Jane0, thank you, just my thoughts too.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Sangeeta8  What do you mean by "is it okay to accept or cancel"?


If it was an Instant Booking, you have no ability to "accept"-  an Instant Booking is a confirmed booking which you would have to cancel (you get 3 free instant book cancellations per year, so you could use one of those, stating that you are uncomfortable with the booking). 


Only Requests have the option to "accept".

Thank you Sarah977, my gut feel was that I should not accept the booking, I do not use Instant Booking.

Level 5
Portland, OR

I suggest that, to avoid this happening in the future, you set your Instant book to not accept anyone without a positive Airbnb recommendation and government ID verification. Instead of an instant book, it will arrive as a Request at which point you can decline the request. 

Level 9
New Delhi, India

Thank you , Scott57, very useful tip!