New Cancellation Policy

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

New Cancellation Policy

This just came out today. But apparently doesn't include North America at this time.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Anchorage, AK

Wow! Unfair they aren't offering that here in North America! I could use that !

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

Read the fine print. Another "good for guests, dangle carrots for hosts" new feature. Hosts won't be paid anything, Airbnb will still retain the service fee from guests, offering them a travel credit in lieu of a refund. It's an attempt to get hosts with Strict policies to change to moderate or flexible. Like the coersion tactics to use IB.

The only part I think is good is the filter for cancellation policies. Might eliminate guests booking a strict place and then screaming about not getting a full refund if they cancel and harrasing the hosts. I think hardly any guests, except those who are veteran Airbnbers, ever bother to read the terms of the cancellation policies, let alone understand them.