Can some host from Ahmedabad connect pls..
Can some host from Ahmedabad connect pls..
We’re thrilled to have you on board as part of our vibrant Hosting community 🎉
Embarking on a Hosting journey is an exciting experience for new Hosts. As you prepare to welcome your first guests into your homes and create new experiences, a range of emotions and expectations emerge.
How do you feel about opening your doors to guests for the first time, and what are you most excited to learn or improve upon during your Hosting journey? 🤩
We’re here to support you every step of the way with resources, guidance and a community of experienced Hosts. Tell us what kind of support you’re looking for and what goals you’re aiming to achieve as a new Host. 👇
Looking forward to seeing your replies,
Rebecca 🦋
Hi Rebecca!
Thank you very much for the nice welcome message.
Yes, I'm trilled to join this community and I'm learning step by step every day.
My goal is to have more guests and to fill up the apartments.
Any advice is welcome for me, because I'm new to this business.
Thank you!
We're so happy to have you here too @Erika1206 😍
You're in the right place to get advice from other Hosts!
Here's a run down of some of the boards where you can look or ask for advice from other Hosts:
✨ Ask about your listing - You can ask other Hosts to critique your listing, you could be pleasantly surprised at what other people see!
✨ Advice on your space - This is great for general questions about your space specifically, for example, the amenities that you have at the property to what types of sheets that you use.
✨ Help with your business - You can ask those nitty gritty questions about taxes, payouts and more in this section.
✨ Support with your bookings - Ask for support from Hosts who have mastered the art of hospitality - from reviews, communicating with guests to cancellations.
Looking forward to seeing you around! 😁
good morning Erika
We are delighted to become an Airbnb agent started around April. We’ve had about nine guests going very well. We love meeting new people we love helping them out like standing out from the other Airbnb maybe do a Little extra quality bedlinen beds the apartment is very very relaxing homely we’re always willing to learn
Ciao Rebecca,
Sono molto felice di far parte di questa community.
Ho iniziato la mia avventura da circa un mese ma ho già avuto tante soddisfazioni....
Vedere il sorriso sui volti dei miei ospiti mi da tante soddisfazioni...per ognuno di loro preparo una sorpresa fatta da me e vedo che è molto apprezzata.
Ringrazio Airbnb perché la mia casina in Toscana è visibile in tutto il mondo e posso avere ospiti di nazioni e culture diverse!!!!!
Hi Rebecca,
I am very happy to be part of this community.
I started my adventure about a month ago but I have already had so much satisfaction....
Seeing the smile on the faces of my guests gives me a lot of satisfaction... for each of them I prepare a surprise made by me and I see that it is much appreciated.
I thank Airbnb because my little house in Tuscany is visible all over the world and I can have guests from different nations and cultures!!!!!
Hello Rebecca and dear community,
Thank you for your welcome message. As a new Host, I’m excited to start this journey. I’m looking forward to meeting new people and creating memorable experiences for my guests. I'm eager to learn more about providing exceptional hospitality and making my space welcoming. I’d appreciate any tips on setting up my place and handling guest interactions smoothly. Thanks for the support!
Take care,
Hi @Cecilia1311 👋
You're definitely in the right place to get advice, tips and support throughout your Airbnb journey!
Feel free to explore these boards and engage in conversations. And if you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you!
Hi Rebecca,
Firstly, thanks for the invite.
Secondly, I'm loving it... making new friends from all over... have been invited to China.
The house is nearly done, I've just got to secure the last safe, and then create 4 more listings over the weekend.
Hey @Darren-Keith0 👋
Great to hear you're almost sorted! Are you up and running with your four other listings now?
Best of luck! 🍀
Not quite ready with the other listings yet as I'm doing some new photos in the sun as the flowers are blooming and the herbs have sprung to life... should be ready for tomorrow though.... nearly there.
I've had a potential booking for 2 rooms for all of July and August for a business person from America.... but I have a gut feeling it is a scam as they sent me their contact details to use WhatsApp...
So I've had some nice chats, but....... they started talking about crypto, they sent me trend graphs but not within context... I explained I have experience with crypto also they will send their assistant to come and see the house on May 30..... This is a10k booking.... as soon I explained my maturity with crypto and they needed to confirm when the assistant was coming... radio silence.
The old adage, if it sounds 2 be good 2 be true....
Hi Rebecca
I'm greatful for your concern about new hosts and will sure be more than thankful to you for helping and advising me to help more guests to relax and get happy in my apartment
Hi @Mina1341 👋
You've come to the right place as we've got some great conversations going on:
✨ Ask about your listing - You can ask other Hosts to critique your listing, you could be pleasantly surprised at what other people see!
✨ Advice on your space - This is great for general questions about your space specifically, for example, the amenities that you have at the property to what types of sheets that you use.
Let me know how you get on and if you've got any questions just reach out! We're a friendly bunch and eager to support wherever we can.
Hej Rebecca
Tak for din hilsen
Vi har arbejdet meget på at gøre vores sommerhus klar til de første lejere, der kommer i dag. Dog er jeg mest nervøs for om det hele er godt nok - men det håber jeg.
Vi har i hvert fald taget en masse billeder og prøvet at lave gode beskrivelser, så nu glæder jeg mig til at høre om gæsternes oplevelser bagefter 🙂
Held og lykke til alle
Vh Jacob
Hi Rebecca
Thank you for your greeting
We have worked hard to get our holiday home ready for the first tenants who arrive today. However, I am most nervous about whether it is all good enough - but I hope so.
At least we took a lot of pictures and tried to make good descriptions, so now I'm looking forward to hearing about the guests' experiences afterwards 🙂
Best of luck to all
Whoah Jacob
Hi @Jacob918 👋
I think the ✨ Ask about your listing board would be great for you. It's a fantastic board where you can ask other hosts to provide feedback on your listing. It's a great opportunity to get fresh perspectives and make improvements.
Good luck 🍀