I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
@Airbnb @Lizzie We are starting to receive fall inquiries thus, need to adjust our house rules.
Has anyone updated their house rules to cover stays during C-19 ?
Hotels still seem to have policies across the board---
--some turn guests away if they exhibit C-19 @ check in, some allow guests to book...
-some are creating isolation areas for guests who develop C-19
Does anyone have feedback? thanks.! A
Hello @Alex1485
Thanks for starting this topical topic.
I've included a piece about ensuring transparency in communications with reference to The Public Health Act & Duty of Care in the main body of my listing.
How have other CC members incorporated any mention about Covid19?
Hello @Helen427
That's a great idea, I've got a lengthy write up I am thinking of adding, as I, like you believe in full disclosure for the guests.
As you share a space, you may want to consider adding a temperature check to your house rules, strictly for your own personal safety. I am adding a statement about it in mine. 95% of the hotels are writing protocols for mandatory guest temperature check at check-in, those with temperature, are refused entry.
Also, with the Airbnb T&C dictatating a 2-3 day mandatory shut down for germ dissipation, if guest exhibits signs of C-19 while in your home, its even more important to ensure no one enters your home with any symptoms...as we don't want you wearing a hazmat suit to clean...
See info below, ...re: what to do if guest exhibits c-19 ...
" The answer to your first question is that you need to reach out when you will have a suspected guest who has the infectious disease and after that contact your local authority because your guest will not stay at your listing and will be brought to a much safer place where the guest will be given a medical attention.
The 48-72 hours before and after a reservation starts/ends is implemented to all Airbnb hosts to have your listing dis-infected for it be safe when rented out, guest are not being charged because of it since it is a mandatory implementation to help fight against the infectious disease.
Failure to comply with the Terms and Regulations of Airbnb will result to a consequence and the incident will be further investigated." - John- Airbnb Help
All the best to you! Alex
I thought that at least 1/3 of people with COVID don't have a temperature, so that would seem to be a measure that doesn't offer much protection/
Agreed. this is a challenging time, not sure we address the 1/3...Have you thought of any ideas?
Just read through the 30 page Encore Casino (Wynn Casino) Health & sanitation guide..they currently are using temperature check as their preventative tool, in conjunction with requiring guests to wear masks, giving guests masks/ antibacterial...not allowing staff to touch door handles, luggage, etc....
We are in MA, not reopened, and can not currently accept bookings outside of medical personal...We are however, concerned about the safety of our team, and the liability renting possesses.
What are you doing in NJ?
thanks A
@Alex1485 NYC hasn't reopened yet and Jersey City had more than 5,000 cases so no one, not even first responders have contacted us in months. If things begin to return to normal by the fall, I'm not sure what we will do. Some thoughts:
I won't be taking people's temperatures because from what I understand it gives a false sense of security. If a vaccine is ever developed and it is legal to do so, we might require guests have been vaccinated
We will begin asking guests to do more cleaning, e.g. such as providing sanitizing wipes [if they ever reappear in stores that is], and asking them to wipe down some surfaces before they leave. Although you would probably never be sure if they did/didn't do it, so not that helpful.
Be more strict that they take out and dispose of their own trash and recycling so we're not handling it at all. Now, unless it is a stay longer than 4/5 days we dispose of it as a service to guests. This is double edged since not everyone recycles so we sometimes have to take out recycling from trash, and I'd hate to see recycling get put in a landfill.
We already allow self check in, but we discourage it because we find guests behave better when they meet someone and get verbal instructions on important issues, etc. So, this will be a tough call, self check in reduces contact, but may increase other negatives like misuse/damage of the property.
Mostly I would guess there will be much more cleaning/wearing mask and gloves on our side as hosts to sterilize the unit after people leave, we already use a UV wand in addition to standard cleaners, but would add masks/gloves and try to sterilize things like drapes/furniture. This is more expensive because some of these grades of cleaners are very costly, so price would have to reflect this.
Possibly leave the 24 hour gap, but that would cut seriously into the income so we would, again, probably need to raise the price somewhat.
If you have the time to share, I'd really appreciate leaning more about the UV light as i am unfamiliar with effectiveness. I see Wynn Casinos has also adopted UV light in their Health & Safety program.
When reopen our current thinking is
1-Rate increase to cover 24 hour buffer between guests. Everyone here is currently lowballing rates, some have closed calendar for fall, so see if rates increase.
2-Increase cleaning fee (1.5-2x's) add second cleaner ( specific task: wash all areas typically dusted) Wash all linens twice. .We already are very fastidious cleaners, and spent 700 on clorox wipes last year=
3- Ask guests to be part of safety plan..give guests 4 bags at check in..trash, recycle, towels, bedding, which they leave at door when depart.. ( adopted from Four Seasons)
4. Engage guests even more in their specific needs, we already have a custom amenity Q&A. Will remove majority of extra's hangers, blankets, etc...( 4 Seasons)
5. Give guests amenity in sealed bag ( wynn policy)...(supports rate increase)
6. Guest pack with masks/sanitizer ( wynn policy)--(sourcing issue ???/ supports rate increase)
7. We've had some amazing guests over the past 5 years, and also some very, very particular guests. We are considering as an extra option, giving guest the option of BYO. buy your own.. sheets, shampoo, etc...we would send to afterwards..
8. Remove all magazines, welcome book..disposable as much as possible.
9. Welcome amenity...thinking of giving guest gift card to local bakery for breakfast. remove all coffee/etc...
Our rates range from $135 ( lowest in December) to $475 in high season...we are 1 minute from international tourists attractions.
Frankly, its a lot to manage...We are also considering adjusting our interior design to minimize sanitization while keeping it luxe.
Now is the time, to attract guests that want to engage and understand we ALL play a part in flattening the curve. Adding the temperature request, although not a sure indicator of illness, it is a way to open a dialogue with the guest, about travel /safety. etc...Also gives me the option to cancel them, if they do not comply with my booking rules...
Thanks for the great feedback..Alex
I don't know if it works or not, LOL, it was the only brand mentioned in a NYTimes article on UV sanitation a couple of years ago. But, basically, we wand the remote before it is cleaned, wand the fabric furniture, couch, chairs, wand the mattresses, and since COVID we wand the grocery bags and all food items that aren't 'fresh' like meat/fruit. We would expand to wanding the drapes and I guess possibly we could wand guests' luggage before they enter. We've never advertised that we have this, but we will going forward put a photo of the wand and a short description.