Just received 15+ inquiries from Macklin for my airbnb in Austria.
"Hi there! Due to the situation in the area, my firm sends me as a disease specialist to your city. I really liked your accommodation, it seems very cozy. It will be very convenient for me. I’m already waiting for this trip. But I have several questions. Please text me in W * h hat s ар, the numb’er is + ff our - eig НТ, then Fіv; е, then 7 and another 7, next there’s niin еее, 5 and О, then goes sev enty, and in the end there’s nii’ne. Looking forward to hearing from you soon!"
Reported every message, blocked him and made some very special offers.
I still get those reminder from airbnb to respond but I can't anymore since I've already blocked the user. Will it affect my response rate?
Take care and stay healthy,