No Introductory Message

Level 1
Portland, ME

No Introductory Message

Over the last week most of my guests who have booked haven't sent an introductory message. It's my understanding that guests are required to send a message with their booking, it says so in the app. I'm afraid I'm missing messages from guests, which could include any questions or special requests. Is anyone else having this problem? Airbnb technical support hasn't been helpful this far - going to keep trying.

16 Replies 16

Hi Stephanie,

Thank you for looking into this. I have Instant Book turned on. Under Guest Requirements in the booking settings it says: Your guests will always meet the following requirements before they book. Confirmed email address and phone number, WRITE AN INTRODUCTORY MESSAGE, and provide payment information. 
I’ve never had an issue with it until now.
The “pre-booking message” is not an area where you can just check it to require a message from guests, that is a message that I would write to the guest for them to see before booking.

There is an issue within Airbnb where they are either not requiring an introductory message anymore, even though it says so in the app - or guests are writing introductory messages that aren’t being sent. Please look into this further. 




Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hiya @Linda108 and @Tory-and-Allen0 ,


Sorry for the delay coming back to this. The product team have also had read through of your posts and provided the following additional information:


If hosts want to require a first message, they need to turn this pre-booking message required to ON (pictured)

image (9).png

Having instant booking on alone will not work. I also wanted to mention that the introductory message is not required. 


Once the feature has rolled out to 100% of users, we will work on updating the content across the site.







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