I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
Hello all....
Just curious if you're experiencing the same. I had an ABB reminder to respond last night to an inquiry that came at 5.30pm, my reminder came at 10.50pm. I sent the message right then anyway, with an apology, if they felt that was too late for a message. I sent another this morning at 9. The only notification I received was an email, no text or ABB app. I'm rarely checking emails in the evening, I would if that's the only way to be notified.
I always get the airbnb jingle and it goes to my email also on my phone, sometime other app's dont notify me, re boot the phone can help and the check the settings.
I see another host lose a booking the other day with something similar
@Sudsrung0...Hello....I've try the reboot. I've had 3 updates to the app, in maybe 10 days. I usually get the text as well, and yes, I lost the booking.
I never get the jingle for an inquiry, @Wende2 . I haven't for years. I always see them by chance. Only for requests.
@Mariann4..Hello...I wonder if that's because you're in Norway, seems places around the world are set up differently.? It's so annoying that the reminder was over 5 hours later, had it been even 2 - 3 at least I wouldn't have felt bad about the time.
I don't know why, @Wende2 . I have changed phone during the years and the problem is the same. I think it might have to do with that I have opted out of receiving info from Airbnb. I did so because if I opt in I also opt in to get advertising from Airbnb. Which is an illegal approach in Norway, those matters are to be strictly separate and by law we are allowed to opt out of advertising. (Yes, I've told Airbnb about it. No, they won't do anything about it. Because case is stopped at front desk...)
But I find it a bit strange that my notifications have most boxes ticked and the same boxes for requests and inquiries... I dunno...
@Mariann4 ...Must say that's interesting it's against the law, which seems like something ABB could certainly work around, to not include ads, here in the states, I don't get ads.
@Wende2 sorry i just made a post about this, and YES my notifications are off except they aren't, i checked them in the app, it's all the same as it was. i got up early today, checked phone, no messages, took dog for walk, shower, brekky school run etc, then at 8:30 sat down at my desk and opened the app to see FOUR guest messages from last night that i hadn't seen.
@Gillian166....Hello....I'm going to try and think to check my email throughout the evening. They've already cost me over $4,000 to date, since the summer roll out. I was booked up pretty good over summer, I did notice bookings hadn't been coming, but didn't think much about. I was on here and just about to sign out, when the title of a new topic popped up, thought that's worth a look. It was about the summer release and how it had damaged her bookings, so I checked my last booking, this was in Aug, mine was June 27th. Today I only need to count to 10 since my last booking the 27th, I'm the closest place to stay to the only reason people come to my area, a National wildlife refuge, and the Harriet Tubman Museum, so it's not my location.
I hope Admin sees this, and at the least can explain or look into why we aren't being notified for inquiries, hope you didn't lose any bookings, I lost my inquiry.
I've also had 3 updates to the app in 8 - 9 days, everyone for the same thing.?