All of a sudden one day I am both... not sure how it happene...
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All of a sudden one day I am both... not sure how it happened but here we are. All is well at the moment.
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Message from local realtor.....
I'm sure you know about this already but just in case
Town of Conway: Attention vacation and 2nd home owners (and those impacted by tourism). The STR Committee is restarting meetings for drafting regulations. It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT if you support the ability to rent your home, or would be impacted by a reduction in Real Estate Values/tourism- that you PLEASE BE INVOLVED. There are members on this committee VERY opposed to STR's and feel they should ALL BE BANNED (and further believe they operating in violation of zoning codes and are pushing to shut them all down).
We need support to help promote reasonable regulations and the town WILL NEED TO SEE THE COMMUNITY"S SUPPORT OF RENTALS.
3:00 PM
Zoom link for Public
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes 06/04/2020
3. Brief Update of SB 458
4. Definitions
A. Definition from previous Committee
B. Discussion of Tiered Definition
5. Zoning
6. Licensing
7. Public Comment
8. Choosing Discussion Items for Next Meeting
9. Next Meeting Date
10. Adjourn
Public may call in and listen to the meeting via Zoom by calling:
Meeting ID: 842 2749 4009
They have the numbers as far as the local Airbnb’s . This has been in the works for a bit . The other towns are watching, if North Conway falll the other towns will
Most likely follow suit . New Hampshire collects 9 per cent on every Airbnb rental . This will go away .
There’s apx 550 Airbnb Listings in the town
Please call in and watch , this kind of enforcement Could spread to more community’s and towns .
148856 Pass
It seems like now, unless you can proove that you live at a residence for 6 months in the area, you cant rent out airbnb rentals in Conway NH now.
Is there an update on this movement? Did the bill get tabled until 2023? How is New Hampshire moving forward with the judge’s urges for a compromise between parties?
Thank you.