Not Receiving All Emails or Notifications From Airbnb Lately

Level 7
Chandler, AZ

Not Receiving All Emails or Notifications From Airbnb Lately

After 10 years of hosting, I've just started experiencing this problem recently. It began with two situations where prospective guests contacted me and I received a normal email notification. I replied and they did as well, but I did not get a notification (via email or my phone) that they had replied. It was just sort of luck that I saw there were messages. Then after I accepted the reservations, the notifications started rolling in normally.


Today I received a booking request and responded to it. Then this evening I started getting Airbnb texts and emails telling me it was the last chance to respond. I thought that was odd since I'd already responded and then noticed I had three other inquiries that I hadn't received any notice of!


This isn't an email problem. I also didn't get notices through the app nor did I get notices through SMS (which I guess is a new thing this month).


I informed Airbnb support the first time I dealt with this but as is often the case these days, they were rather useless. Has anybody else experienced this? It's not realistic for me to check my Airbnb account every hour to see if there are new messages.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I also noticed today notifications for inquiries are not sent to me via email (anymore). I discovered them on the (ever changing...) dashboard. Which is indeed inconvenient,as  i do not check the website as frequently as in "normal"  times.

Level 10
Charleston, SC

I also quit getting some email notifications over a month ago. I have checked the settings, that weren't changed, but still never was the same again. At least I get a SMS or push notification for bookings most of the time. Not sure why this was changed and doesn't reflect the settings. I liked getting both SMS and email, as well as push notifications because I didn't want to miss one, and the email list was easier to scan through.    

Level 10
Florence, Canada

It has all been strange with mine, too, @Jen5 . I get some notifications, but not all. I do lately stumble upon the odd inquiry in my inbox with no notice by email, SMS or push. Like you, I got a 12-hr warning about not answering one when I hadn't received notification that it was there. It is not even apparent when I look at the app. I have to think to do a refresh to find new messages there, as when I first open it, nothing new shows up. As you say, it is not realistic to constantly log into the account. 

Really hope this gets fixed. 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Jen5 I haven't been open to bookings since March, due to the virus because I have home share, but this was even happening to me back in March. I'd get alerts of some messages, but not

others and there didn't appear to be any pattern to it. Those were my SMS alerts, the emails were still coming, but it's not nearly as convenient as the text alerts, as it means I still had to regularly check my email.