
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Not getting any airbnb emails

Level 2
Medbourne, United Kingdom

Not getting any airbnb emails

Hello there all,


Apart from "hello@airbnb"  which sends just reminders re tax returns, I stopped getting all emails from airbnb on Dec 14th last year.  That means no reminders of guests staying, no booking requests, no reviews, no emails from current guests etc.  Nothing.  I have tried for a month to resolve this.  My email is a address and I have previously been receiving everything for about 4 years with no problems.  I can see on this forum that this is something a lot of people have had trouble with over the years, but none of the posts seem to get issue resolved.


Messages are on my airbnb site but it means I never get any sort of incoming direct to my open email on laptop and still get nothing at all on payouts etc.  So now I have no chance of replying within an hour as I have no idea if anything has been sent to me. I was going grey before but this is surely quickening.  Airbnb say fault must be mine but I got our IT person from work to check and my account has no issues.  Can anyone say if they have also had this problem and more importantly, how was it resolved.  Failing that can you recommend a good hair dye??

Yours in desperation


5 Replies 5
Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

@Nickie3   You may need to look at the safe senders list on your home computer, tablet or phone.   AirBnB may have been added to your spam list in error, and all messages are now blocked.  Your IT person at work may be able to show you where to look on your home computer to fix this.  


I wish you luck resolving this issue!

Level 2
Medbourne, United Kingdom

Cheers Lorna,


Many thanks for getting in touch so quickly  @Lorna170 - Yes, I've got all airbnb addresses added into safe senders - I've followed all their suggestions and they say all is good on airbnb site - except - it obviously isn't .  Such a strange thing to suddenly occur after years of it being fine and not making any changes my end.


They won't get it actioned by IT to actually look at it apart from saying "all is great" and I know from 65 other people that that is all the stage they ever get to!!


More than annoyed and desperate and cross but trying to keep calm. 🙂  Maybe an airbnb person could advise as the person I have been in touch with from help centre hasn't been able to fix this.


Thanks so much for being in touch!

kind regards,



Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Nickie3 !


I'm sorry to hear you're not receiving any emails anymore, it's strange indeed that it stops working out of nowhere. I've summarised what you mentioned in your post and reply and I've forwarded it to the team. Hopefully we'll get this working for you again soon!


As for hair dye, I think my sister uses Goldwell. 😉



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Level 2
Medbourne, United Kingdom

Many thanks  @Sybe 


I have just returned from 3 hours with yet another IT person.  To cut to chase, we have changed the airbnb email contact address, sent a message to the support person asking them to send us a test email and if we don't get any emails from airbnb it will presumably be their issue, not mine. No email has arrived!!! That is another £80 paid out in trying to resolve.


We got email in from airbnb asking us to confirm change in email, which we have done but so worried about guests that are coming in tomorrow.  I sent them the key-safe instructions but have had no reply and the whole things just makes it feel so unstable.


I guess as changes only took place two  hours ago I should defer gnashing of teeth but as this problem started back on Dec 14th last year I have a right to be v annoyed.


Thanks for tips on hair dye; I shall look into it straight away.  Do you have any tips on how to hide from furious guests?  Might be needing that one... 🙂

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
Terneuzen, Netherlands

Hi @Nickie3 ! I can imagine you'd be annoyed after all these issues, especially with guests coming you do want to be on top of everything. I hope your guests arrived okay and are having a wonderful stay!


It can take some time for changes in any system to take effect, usually a 24 hour window is a safe assumption. Are you receiving emails again in the meantime? If you haven't had the chance yet to check perhaps because no emails have been sent yet, just keep an eye on it and let us know. 


In regards to hiding from guests I don't have any tips I'm afraid, I never really was a star at hide & seek, but perhaps other Hosts have a good strategy they could share if you create a post!



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