
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

Oddest things guests have done

Level 10
Mountain View, CA

Oddest things guests have done

Take a smoke detector down (to smoke in the room) and put it in between the mattress and box spring instead of in the garage that was steps away.  This led to multiple guests and rounds of the cleaners not being able to figure out where the beeping sound was coming every time the house cooled down and the battery started dying.  It really did sound like it was in the ceiling instead and this was the master bedroom even!

Try to clean up a carpet stain...with bleach.

Take a cue ball from a pool table...not an 8 ball, but...the...cue...ball.

Asked if a padlocked and marked for "owner's use" only freezer is available for their use.

Leave a garage door open overnight to wake up to a freezer broken open in the driveway (bear) and call complaining to me that they thought someone had broken into the house.

Renters are fun and you have to be able to laugh about it sometimes....

40 Replies 40

smart. It's so important to set up systems and rules when parenting, i guess we all go into it as dumb 20-somethings who've never really properly managed a house and people.  I had 3 kids too, and I was pretty frazzled for the first 7 years.  I'm sure someone could write a book about being organised (there's probably a youtube legend doing exactly that). 


We've just gotten a puppy and a kitten and it's reminding me of those fun days of endless energy, eating and weeing. I went and bought myself a commercial hospo bucket (those big ones on wheels with a strong wringer) and a large mop, no mucking around for me this time, i know so much more about cleaning at this age at least. 

Perhaps when out of normal routine and environment the mums and kids just drop all standards? This seems to apply to many guests. 

Level 3
Wokingham, United Kingdom

🤣🤣🤣 @Gillian166 

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Gillian166 "Perhaps when out of normal routine and environment the mums and kids just drop all standards?"


I certainly never did- I saw my job as a parent to civilize them, teach them to respect others and other people's stuff, etc. and they didn't get to run wild just because we were somewhere else other than home. 


I had a hard time with my first one, not in terms of staying organized, but because I was in my early twenties and none of my friends had kids and had no family around. But there's a five year gap between each of them, so I didn't have more than one toddler and baby to deal with at the same time. 


I kind of think these parents who seem to impose no rules or standards of behavior with their kids as guests, don't do so at home, either. I see young parents these days in restaurants, letting their kids be loud and disruptive and patiently and endlessly explaining to them why they need to quiet down, meanwhile they are disturbing all the other diners. If my kids misbehaved in a restaurant, they were immediately taken outside until they calmed down and agreed to behave themselves appropriately. 

100% agree! We were like that too, everything is a teaching opportunity because parenting is 365x24/7  I was always paranoid when we stayed in airbnbs, and immediately moved all trinkets to a safe location (yeah, that's why your stuff gets moved around!! lol)

Thankfully not everyone is like that. Last week we hosted a family of 5, and whilst the mum did send me a million questions beforehand (and I thought "uh oh, they might be trouble") they were the best guests, and their kids were SO polite and marvellous, I told them both what a great job they were doing. 

Level 10
Auchenblae, United Kingdom

I feel really left out here - in over 5 years I’ve not had any odd guests.  I know I should be pleased but....😆

Level 10
Auchenblae, United Kingdom

So yesterday I was feeling all

left out because nothing odd or quirky happens at our place....until today when my housekeeper sent a PM to tell me someone had pooped down the shower trap. 

@Amanda660  Wow, how gross. 

Guess you were tempting fate by saying you had never had guests do anything odd- you jinxed it. 🙂


I had a cat who pooped in the shower drain once when I accidentally locked her in the house for a weekend (she was mainly an outdoor cat and didn't use a litter box). It was gross but easier to clean up than had she done it elsewhere.

But a  human doing that? Just weird. Did they have little kids or a pet?

@Sarah977  The guest probably unscrewed the shower head and used the hose as a makeshift enema. Please don't make me explain why.



@Anonymous pretty sure that's got to be a winner, or Top 3.

@Amanda660  i think you jinxed yourself by posting. haha. I shall learn from that ! 

Level 10
Mountain View, CA

Another guest left the garage door open all night on one of the coldest nights of the year (~ 10 degrees Fahrenheit)  By the time I got the warning from my temperature sensors, it was 10:30 at night and the guest had already gone to sleep and turned on do-not-disturb on his phone.  Luckily the oil based heater and the wall gas-based heater in the garage that I was able to turn on kept the pipes from going below 29 and everything still worked the next day with no leaks.