Hi everyone, Is anyone else concerned that Joe Gebbia has jo...
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Hi everyone, Is anyone else concerned that Joe Gebbia has joined DOGE? Does he still earn income from Airbnb as a board membe...
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Ok everyone, there is much to be sad, unhappy and mad about, this thread is not about that. This is one sentence about something you saw or happened that was positive today. Who knows, if it catches on, it could surpass the negative effects of other things that I wont mention without a shot or bailout, Good luck, heres my first contribution to the thread-
We are just coming out of winter grip on the first day of spring and this morning I heard frogs peeping down on our pond!
My youngest stopped by for an across the garden chat- she brought me some spicy miso & soy sauce, 2 things I was sorely missing and I busted her for aggravated clothing theft! She was wearing my beloved Ab Fab T shirt! I have been giving Tom side about this shirt for months. It's an extra large and he is very cavalier about what he wears and I'd caught him in it once. That rat Lucy has had it all along and she's not keeping it- she was never even a fan of the show, failed the pop quiz I gave her, she's lucky I didn't make her take it off then and there and put it in the mail box. It was great seeing her, she's being very cheerful about everything and we've made plans for a distanced hike when the weather clears up.
Hmmmm One side effect of self isolation may be the tendency to share a bit beyond expectations, also known as TMI, @Sally221 Just saying. But just so you know, I loved AB FAB!
@Sally221 My middle dughter was terrible for helping herself to her older sister's clothes (which she bought most of herself, using $ from her after-school and weekend jobs) and mine as well. One time, we had been invited to clothes trade at a friend's house nearby. My middle daughter's room was always ankle-deep in clothing and as far as I could gather, she just scooped up armloads of it and put it in garbage bags and headed off to the clothes trade. I was in the midst of something and said I'd be along shortly. When I got there, all the good clothes had already been traded and I see the nearly-brand-new leather belt my oldest daughter had gifted me for my birthday in someone else's "score" pile.
Of course I took it back, and rained abuse on my daughter, but it never made any dif- she still borrowed her sister's and my clothes without asking. When she moved out and was living in another town, she'd come to visit for the weekend and I'd find her dirty socks in the laundry basket after she left, and my new, expensive socks missing.
Sarah977 Ah, sock thievery, happens in the best families! Now that we are empty nesters I can revel in my tidy drawer of matched socks. The girls have always made a point of giving me nice socks as gifts, but would still "borrow" them. My older daughter has matured to the point where she doesn't revert to middle school when she comes for a visit, it's quite lovely.
@Melodie-And-John0 some more positivity for you! We had a very nice chat with our neighbors (from 6 feet away! across the fence!) who live next to our Airbnb cottage yesterday when we were getting ready for our next guests. We both have lots of daffodils coming up and are really enjoying how cheery both our properties look.
Watched "The Tiger King" on Netflix which really ate up most of my Saturday but...oh...MY. It was something! Couldn't look away!
@Laura2592 , sounds like you made the best out of day that could have been not so good, we all need lots of those days in our coming days! Stay well! John
I usually can’t sleep when my brain is messy and/or my heart is heavy- this situation is an example of something that can trigger this change in behaviour; I fell asleep and dreamt a double rainbow.
This too shall pass, until then please stay safe and I encourage you to remember outside the box thinking, almost everything in life has a solution. Sending love to you all ❤️
@Yadira22 How's all those rainbows we hear you have on display in the UK?
We have had Teddy Bears here, some great ones on display, a friend and I went out and spotted some in a nice shop and his girlfriend thought he had been seeing someone else when she saw the photo on his phone!
She's only been walking around the block as been so scared from what's portrayed in media and only just regaining her confidence.
Meanwhile, a bear here, a bear there and a story behind that bear everywhere!!
This morning while having coffee on my back porch, a hummingbird flew down at arm's length and we were looking at each other eye-to-eye. He stayed there for a good 8 seconds. It was truly amazing.
@Nicole2065 , We love our Hummies, they are still a few weeks out but spring is official once they are here! Stay safe, John
They are so darling, aren't they? He probably recognized you, they are very good at pattern recognition, it's part of their line of work & maybe he wondered what you were doing at home just then? Hope he/she visits again soon.
we are fighting virus, not the differences between me and you.. when this pandemic is offer and every thing is normal.. hope fully we remembered professionalism is earn by every single human.. not born with, cause you are Italian, Indonesian, french, black, white, gay, trans, or grey and purple.. but if your blue, i'm not so sure.. it might be a feeling.., or you might be a smurf..
just remember to smile.. it helps us all to endure the impact..
Honestly @Manasui0 , its worth mentioning, Smurfs arent the only Blue people, please stop generalizing (ha ha)
That said, I dont trust either Smurfs nor Intel...
Stay well, JR