Participate in 30-40 min academic study and earn 10 Pounds/12 Euros/13 USD voucher from Amazon!

Level 2
Cambridge, MA

Participate in 30-40 min academic study and earn 10 Pounds/12 Euros/13 USD voucher from Amazon!



Dear Airbnb users!


My name is Dr. Mareike Möhlmann and I work as an Assistant Professor at the University of Warwick (UK). Currently, I am seeking to recruit Airbnb users to participate in a short academic study.


In order to participate in the study, we would schedule a skype of phone call that will approx. last 30-40 minutes. Each participant will be awarded with a 10 Pounds/12 Euros/13 USD voucher from Amazon for their efforts.


The study focuses on trust on the Airbnb platform. There are no “right” or “wrong” answers – I am interested in your personal opinion and experience. The study follows highest academic standards. All personal information will be kept confidential and your identity will never be revealed to third parties.


I am planning to interview Airbnb users with any level of experience– ranging from those who have just started using Airbnb to those who have used it several times. Every contribution is appreciated!


Please follow this link to pick a time slot in this Doodle poll and leave your name:


Once you have picked a time slot, I will connect to you via Skype/phone (based on your preference). My Skype contact is: "Mareike Moehlmann (University of Warwick, based in London)".


In case you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail:


Best wishes, Dr. Mareike Möhlmann, Assistant Professor, Warwick Business School


My website:

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