Hello Radu89,
For myself, my passion stems from creating a space and experience for guests to really enjoy plus wanting them to leave, feeling they have gained peace and relaxation from their stay. My passion is styling, and creating that healing, space. I love creating comfort through quality linens and bedding, furniture, presentation of the property is perfect, lighting, and additional things such cushions and throws, books, and kids toys. I create a space which is very homely, having all the guests need, with a touch of luxury.
Some of the properties offer wine and cookies or chocolates (local), some personal notes and beers, some offer granola, milk and crackers. I find these personal touches are appreciated.
Communication with my guests, i keep personal, i offer endless amounts of information about the property plus the surrounding area and tourist attractions etc.
I hope this helps:)
I am interested to hear what others have to say also.
Best of luck