I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
Why was my post removed?
@Danielle476 Now your comment sounds racist. I have enormous problems with #BLM. So please call me a KKK member, seems like my opinion qualifies. You can support black lives without supporting #BLM. This subject has a lot of nuance, if you can’t see that, then you are part of the problem.
@Helen350 Don’t let words like “racist” disrupt your valid opinion.
@Juan63 Yes, I’m racist because I’m pointing out someone’s hypocrisy.
Did you want to tell me about all your black friends too? Helen has her list at the ready, I can’t imagine why.
@Danielle476 It’s racist to assume her motivation. You don’t end racism by being racist. There are real problems in the black community, and police brutality is VERY SERIOUS but very small part of those problems. We have to be able to talk about these issues if we want to improve the lives of everyone in America. For an example, 65% of blacks are born to single parents. The overwhelming majority of that percentage are fatherless homes. This is a much higher percentage than any other race. Strong families are important and need for a healthy society. One can say these facts and easily be deemed racist. Who cares of intentions at that point. Black lives do matter. #BLM, in my opinion, is not a positive movement for black lives and it is ok to say so.
And why do you think that might be? The criminal justice system that persecutes them unfairly? The judges who hand out stiffer penalties to people of colour than to whites? The laws that are set up to disproportionately affect those without the means to defend themselves? The education system that white-washes history? The labour market that favours stereotypical whites over people of colour? The healthcare system that allows people of colour to die at rates more than double those of whites?
What a mystery! If only there were statistics or some sort of movement we could all stand behind to bring justice to those who have sought it for so long! Good grief. Good luck with your crusade against AirBNB, what a valuable ally you are!
@Danielle476 Blacks commit 50% of the crimes. A possible reason why they are over represented in the criminal justice system. Once they are in the system, we've all lost. We need strong black families for a strong America. How we get there and the facts is where we depart.
"The laws that are set up to disproportionately affect those without the means to defend themselves?"
Don't confuse classism with racism. All people need a better more fair system. I agree with you here, but it's not racism. Jails want bodies, race don't matter.
"The labour market that favours stereotypical whites over people of colour?"
Two problems with this, one, the labor market isn't racist, people are racist. Two, "People of color" is a racist term, I am an American regardless of my last name. I don't need racist pity or help from any white man or woman.
"Ally" is now the new hot term meant to cause division, but I'm here to tell you, that you don't hold any moral authority over me.
I truly believe your heart is in the right place but I will state it again. You don't end racism by being racist and black lives do matter, but blm sucks.
I have zero hypocricy @Danielle476 ..... You don't know me, You are slandering me.
I treat individuals as human beings, colour has NO bearing on how I view someone.
It is a form of bullying, to insist that anyone who views the real problem of racism & it's solution differently from you, has an attitude problem.
@Danielle476 You’re feeding them I think. There was an intention to move the discussion in this direction and you might have unwittingly provided the opportunity. Hate only begets hate.... Which spreads the crazy!
the only thing you can do if you feel this way from my perspective is 1. Complain or 2. Don’t give the benefit of your business..... On any level!
Shame to have to be so contentious, but on some subjects we are compelled.
This is a business space for professionals I think?
@Ian-And-Anne-Marie0 - I've just replied to Juan but thought to mention to you too, the post was trapped in spam and has been released: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Hosting/Post-is-removed-again/m-p/1314060/highlight/true#M312559
Because it was at near midnight UK time I wasn't able to release it sooner.
Thanks for that, but the original post is as I posted and it was from two days ago, without amendment. The one you reposted is an amended version @Juan63 attempted to edit after I sent the text back to him. He attempted to avert the spam filter by removing words he thought might be objectionable, but still couldn't.
I can't help but wonder how my copy version of the original post made it to the page just fine?