I feel that late check in times are a deterrent to travelers...
I feel that late check in times are a deterrent to travelers who want to enjoy the space and just relax, not just have a plac...
I feel confident to communicate with potential guests who have photo on their profile, and who AirBnB has verified with proof of identity. How do I ensure that only those that fulfill those criteria can book / request to book?
You can require VID for Instant Book or request to book if you don't do IB. Please don't put any stock in a guest having verified ID. It is in NO way a safeguard to fall back on.
I do require all guests who book with me to have verified ID, only because if I have to verify my ID, it's only fair they should too. @Dean638 But I know first hand that it is quite meaningless.
Okay thanks for letting me know. I do worry quite a bit. Had nightmares last night.. as I have my first guest ever staying in the spare room.
No problems so far and the guest seems really nice and respectful but still that didn't stop me getting nightmares.
Maybe I don't have what it takes to be a host 🙂 I worry too much I think.
Also @Colleen253
Re: "....I do require all guests who book with me to have verified ID.."
I could only do that for Instant Booking.
"....But I know first hand that it is quite meaningless..."
Did something go wrong? I think I will pause my listing for the time being.
@Dean638 In the link I provided you can click through to a page that allows you to check the box to require VID for guests, even if you don't have IB set.
I don't mean to alarm you, it's just that verified ID is no guarantee of anything, so I would hate for you to take false comfort in it and be caught off guard. I have hosted almost 100 stays at my entire place listing, and only one out of all of those was a total disaster, a guest with verified ID who, it would turn out, was know to police. The rest have been great.
I would recommend turning IB off and using your communications through the request to book process to get a feel for the guest. I would also recommend you start off with shorter stays if you can, until you get your hosting feet under you. This allows you to gain experience in the guest vetting/selection process, and build up reviews faster. You can also specify to guests that you will ask to see their ID upon arrival.
Best of luck in your hosting journey.
@Colleen253 okay thank you for the advice. I have, for the time being, unlisted the room. My current (first) guest is absolutely lovely so at the very least, I am thankful for that. I have one more next week, for one evening.
Will re-collect my thoughts after that one and see how it goes.
I find your advice and also of @Pablo629 and @Mike-And-Jane0 have been very helpful. Thank you all.
Here's to another 99 guests 🙂
Thank you for the support on this forum.
dear @Dean638 Check "booking details" on your app or webpage, then "guest requirements". Titles can be a little different.
Thanks @Pablo629 .. I have checked and did it for instant booking. Govt ID requirement.
Dear @Dean638 also you can filter guest with good reviews (just for instant request). Check option details onthe same page you check it before.
Best regards.
@Dean638 In an attempt to stop discrimination you will not be able to see a guests photo until after they have booked.
Okay thanks @Mike-And-Jane0 I guess that makes sense to not let me see their faces.
Though I wish Airbnb let me to only allow those whose ID had been verified by them, to contact me.
It's bizarre in a way to not be able to do this.
How do we know if the one who turns up is the same person who registered with that Airbnb account?
Maybe I worry too much and this whole malarkey is not for me.. 🙂
@Dean638 I have similar frustration with verifications. I think it’s unfair to hosts that the only way to require full verification is to use IB which I do not want to do. It doesn’t make any sense to allow someone to book my home with only an email or phone number - none of which are reliable. I wish there was not only that option but also it’d be helpful to be able to require an inquiry rather than a booking request. I’ll get dinged for denying too many bookings but AIRBNB will not allow me to set my own rules. Not surprisingly when I ask such people (on an inquiry) to add a government ID and profile pic they never responded... I realize all the verifications in the world doesn’t guarantee you anything but it helps.
@Michelle2475 You can require guests to be verified, even without using IB. See below. From there (res requirements link) you can click through and check the box. This way it’s automatic and you don’t have to ask first.
Frankly, if a guest balks at fulfilling this requirement, then I don’t want them in my house. Those people who don't respond back to you are bullets dodged, IMO.
Dear @Sergi This useful link: https://www.airbnb.es/hosting/requirements doesnt apprear in the standard web/app options/menus.