Pricing private room

Level 2
Houston, TX

Pricing private room

Hello fellow Airbnbers. So I have an issue. One of my private room listings base price is $24 ,but when I preview it, it says $26 I manually changed it to $23,24,20 and it still says $26 whenever I preview it. Has anyone had this issue?

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


The price shown to guests is including additional costs (cleaning fee,service fee, taxes)

A preview must be refreshed in browser to show actual situation after a change.

@Emiel1 i stated above all my listings show the base price accurately and the way it should be, but that one listing does not show my base price correct. They are all set up the same way, but the one listing, I have it at $24 base price which should show to guests ,but whenever I preview it it says $26. I did refresh it but nothing.