
Level 2
Mill Bay, Canada


Hi everyone, As a relative newby to Airbnb, I am getting quite frustrated with the pricing options on this platform. I tried smart pricing for awhile and found that the prices range was ridiculous. The lows were SO low, just doable. So I turned smartpricing Off and entered into the calendar, the nightly prices I wanted according the season, with the prices increasing as the summer season approaches. So I checked the site and found that the prices are higher than I want. Airbnb doesn't seem to have any answers for me yet. Why is this so difficult?! Does anyone have any experience with this issue? Or can offer some advise?

Thank you

19 Replies 19

@Shannon772  My latest chat with support also was completely deleted. My suspicion is that unless the host indicates that the issue is resolved, they don't want a record of the ineptitude and the host saying they still haven't gotten an answer.


I'm going to start taking screenshots of every chat message.


What was your question that you can't get an answer to?

Level 2
Mill Bay, Canada

Good idea about the screen shots!

See the image below, the amount circled is not my daily rate, it's considerable higher. I don't use Smart Pricing any more as it was disastrous, now I put my prices right in the calendar. Still not working. Today the price was $211.


Wrong priceWrong price

@Shannon772  I don't have any real experience with pricing glitches- it's never happened to me. 


Do you have different prices for different days of the week? Because I have read that the price on the listing main page is the average of the entire weeks pricing. Or something like that. So if your weekend price is higher than the weekdays, or holidays are higher, that might be the culprit. 

Level 1
Oakville, Canada

@Shannon722 We are having the same problem with our listing. Did you ever find a better solution? Thanks.

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Don't bother with smart pricing, nor the tip as long as its 'competitive'. 

I guess it depends on the reason a person  chooses to rent out on Airb&b as opposed to general renting, such as help with mortgage/rent and so on. They are a corporation and need to maximize profit. I thought of doing the latter, but like the breathing space and the variation of humans in my space. (i rent out a room )