Printing Trip Plans

Level 1
Morgan Hill, CA

Printing Trip Plans

I love that I can add my flight info and other trip plans all to Airbnb, but is there a way to print it all out?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I never used the travel section, but if there is no download or print option, you can try to use the print facility of the browser (if website coding allows printing, so try preview first to see what and how it is generated). or use the "take a screenshot" facility of the browser, which can make an image of the whole (or part of) screen, including what's beyond the visible screen by dragging.


If you print to a pdf-generator (pdfwriter), you can have the printouts available as pdf files, in case you want to sent them to somebody.


But why would you print ? I assume the information can be accesed at any time from your (mobile) devices, so you have it at hand anyway.


Hope this helps,
