This theme is part of the Community Center Festival of Sustainability
The original topic was posted in the Italian-speaking Community Center by @Bridget130, and we have translated it below.
Making your guests understand that you care about sustainability is an important thing, but it is not something you can impose on them. You have to give them input, but without stressing the matter โ a few "sheets" here and there โ in an area of the house (for example, the kitchen sink) but without harassing the guest.
The important thing is, if you can manage, as in my case, during in-person check-in, to let the guest know how you think and that you are not doing it out of greed.
I show them where to put the rubbish, how to correctly separate household waste by giving guests all the various bags for the separation of the rubbish, for example, the one for plastic, the one for wet waste, and so on, and in the house they find all the lovely bags with a handle, with the name written in large letters.
Personally, I think that if a person is going on holiday they do not want too many restrictions, but rather only advice, and that is why I leave my guests the freedom to do as they wish: if they are cold they can turn on the heating, and if they are hot they can switch on the air conditioning. At the same time, I can help them to understand the need to follow very sensible rulesโฆ and not to be wasteful! If this is the case, turn it on and off as necessary.
I also always point out that the coffee maker uses organic pods, and I suggest drinking tap water using the filter jug. Bear in mind that I personally put out containers to collect rainwater to water the plants that I have in my home! I also leave some small bowls lying around on the terraces of the apartments full of water for the lizards and explain that to the guests.
I always kindly ask guests if they can water my plants so I don't have to go into the house to do it myself: there's a watering can for doing so. I also think that everything depends on the guest and how long they stay: with a minimum of 5 nights, a person feels more involved in the management of the house: you also have the time to get to know the person who is hosting you. And that always makes it easier.
Happy hosting, everyone!