Requests from 'influencers' - what do you do?

Level 10
Kingston, Jamaica

Requests from 'influencers' - what do you do?

Hi hosts, what do you do when you're approached by social media influencers who want a free stay at your listing in exchange for promoting it to their followers?  How do you respond?
I recently came across this video which is still relevant. In this case it's a hotel but it could easily be any of our lovely listings.  Enjoy! 
PS: (If the link that I'm sharing is deleted, search the web for "Entitled millenial snowflake gets owned by hotel owner"
8 Replies 8
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


I would decline them and report profile to Airbnb as being a scammer (it is an option in the report-form).



I didn't know about that option re the form, @Emiel1, so thanks for that.  Yup! Scammers.. trying any way they can to get a freebie!

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Flavia202  I've seen that video before- it's hilarious. 

I wouldn't necessarily call these "influencers" scammers, more like entitled and think the world of themselves, and their opinions on everything oh so important. 


And I would decline any of them.

I had a good laugh too @Sarah977 ! Very entitled but I think they know what they're doing. Reminds me of the kids when they want to get round you; so sweet and charming but those little minds know.. so too these older young uns. 🤣🤣

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Flavia202 I was approached once to have a party and post it on the influencer's page. She actually meant to pay full price but was asking for a permission to post. Last thing i want is my place advertised for a party! It was an easy no. I did appreciate her being upfront and asking about it.

Thank you for the post! The video is hilarious. 

Cheers, @Inna22

Level 10
Marbella, Spain

I show their instagram account to my daughter (19) who can instantly tell me if they have "bought" their likes and followers or not... If their influence will result in reactions sales and visibility or not.

I once had a budding instagrammeuse stay with her parents she is now a gorgeous top model in Tokyo and worldwide famous.  You never know!

@Susan1188  Yes, but that someone got famous doesn't mean that them putting in a plug for you on their "influencer" (I hate that word) channel will result in more bookings. 


And quite honestly, the attitudes of most of these influencers, means I wouldn't want either them or their followers as guests, anyway.  🙂