WHAT HAPPEND TO THE LINK? Link to Community Center gone

Level 10
Swannanoa, NC

WHAT HAPPEND TO THE LINK? Link to Community Center gone

Has anyone else noticed that the link from your hosting page to the Community Center has gone missing?  I used to be able to go to the community page by clicking on my profile picture and selecting from the dropdown list.  It disappeared a few days ago, about the time that we were messaged about the new "Today" page.  Fortunately, I have a bookmark for the Community Center in my browser, so I can still come here to read and comment.   


Perhaps AirBnB is taking a page out of the other OTA's book and doing away with the forum?  If so, what a shame.



10 Replies 10
Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Lorna170 Hmm, maybe a glitch? I can still get here from there same as always from the app. In desktop, it may have changed, I'm not sure, as I'm not sure I've ever tried to get here that way. But if I click 'get help', then go all the way to the bottom, I can click on 'Community Center".

Thank you -- I don't use the APP.  I use ONLY my desktop computer.  I have FINALLY found the link, which I was informed is under Menu when logged in as a host.   My question remains as to why it was removed from the profile dropdown....

dear @Lorna170  maybe the reply question is: why was so hidden under profile option?


For me, Community Forum link doesn't have relation with profile. So now its at first hand as any help that any guest or host may need.


Best Regards from Bolivia 

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Level 10
La Paz, Bolivia

dear @Lorna170  it's still there.


Menu + Visit our Community Forum





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Muchas Gracias.

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

@Lorna170 @Colleen253 @ Well, as the saying goes,  "one person's meat is another person's poison", and whilst that saying might be rather strange to use here, what I am trying to say is that in the past I had to use a most convoluted method to reach the Community Center/Host Circle, but now, when I receive an email with a new topic I'd like to reply to (such as this) I can now reach each topic by just clicking on the topic's heading, and whoosh, the page immediately opens.


That doing it this way saves me a lot of time, means I think the new method of reaching the Community Center is excellent!

@John2406   I appreciate your reply, but I do not have notifications or forum alerts turned on, so I have to log into my AirBnB accout on my computer and choose to go to the Community Center to view new postings.  I can't (and won't) click on an email or text link.

Level 10
Swansea, United Kingdom

@Lorna170 Hi, and thank you for what you wrote/advised.


What I should have said - but failed to - was that I mostly use my mobile phone to access the Community Center - and then primarily because I'm usually out and about every day.   I also don't reply to every new topic, but only where I think my comments might help others (I do read all of the new topics sent to me via email, although most don't have relevance to what I've encountered to date).   I apologise therefore for not having considered that you might not be accessing your Airbnb account via a mobile device (that's a lesson I've learned today, so many thanks for indirectly pointing that out to me).


I also accept your comments as to not clicking on an email or text link, and I know of many who won't and never will click on any links, but then I too will never click on links when I don't know anything about the sender.


Keeping safe whilst online should be everyone's concern, so that you have a policy that works for you - and also that you had retained the link to the Community Center so were able to access the page are both to your credit.


The one thing that seems to have emanated from all the replies to your original question, however, is that not all of us use the same method of reaching this page, yet whichever the route each of us takes, that we get here is the main thing!

Dear @John2406  The option on desktop browser version follows the same steps. So can't be more easy to describe. 

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Level 10
Arkansas, United States



The whole thing is so confusing I wouldn’t know if anything was changed or not.


 I’m pretty sure that it wouldn’t be at all difficult to allow me to toggle directly from this forum to my inbox (the host inbox! I don’t even want a guest inbox!)


It appears to me that they just can’t resist making me look at the “Where would you like to go today?” page before I’m allowed to deal with my own listing.


If I were planning to go somewhere I wouldn’t be booking accommodations through Airbnb, so they can quit humping my leg, please.