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The reservations page has the following headings: Status, Guests, Check-in, Checkout, Booked, Listing, Total payout.
Only "Check-in" is actionable - one can sort check-in dates from newest to oldest or vice-versa.
There is a filter option at the top but it only allows one to filter with a date range.
I would LOVE to be able to sort reservations by all of the other headings! It's quite possible that the check-in date is the least important of the data on the page. I'm much more interested in tracking the booked date and in sorting the reservations by listing. Others might want to look at payouts or status.
At the moment I periodically export the data and sort it in an Excel spreadsheet.
Hi @Ann72 thanks for starting this conversation!
Q. what's on your mind when you export the data to Excel for sorting?
@Scott I'm most interested in date booked. My places are seasonal, so every year in January I look at the booking patterns of previous years (which I keep on a spreadsheet) to make sure the booking patterns are keeping up. (Side note: they are running at more than twice the average this year to date.) If I could sort by date booked it would be easier to see these patterns at a glance.
I don't find the ability to sort by check-in useful because (a) that's what a calendar does and (b) the reservations list is sorted by check-in date by default.
I would also like to sort by listing so I can examine turnovers ahead of time and analyze other listing-related data.
@Scott @Alex3225 @Drew-B @Michelle2383
A new design on the Reservations page on Chrome for Windows has effectively wiped out any possibility of sorting by different columns.
On Chrome for Mac, the options still appear. On Chrome for Windows, there are no longer any columns. (I have screen shots but the site won't allow me to post them at the moment.)
I have a busy day job, and bookings have also been very busy. I enter all bookings in my financial software because I run this as a business and need to keep track of every detail.
Without columns showing when bookings were made, I need to export the entire page of reservations and sort by booking date. I can then identify the bookings that need to be entered.
I often have the feeling that Airbnb frowns on treating this enterprise in a businesslike fashion. Is this more proof that they are opposed to hosts treating this as a business? Or simply that the current fashion for super-clean page design is more important than functionality? And that the designers have neither any idea nor any interest in what information hosts need to be effective?
I'm extremely disappointed in Airbnb. Extremely. Disappointed.
Hi @Ann72 sorry for this frustration. Can you direct message me your Windows screenshots? I'd like to follow up. Thanks!
@Scott I was wrong on this! I'm so sorry!
I had Chrome for Windows open and reduced - i.e., it was not full page. In a reduced position, the columns disappear. They reappear when the window is expanded.
Problem solved and tempest in a teapot over!