This is a new one.
A friend and and several of her "girls group" (as she calls them) went to stay at an ABB over the weekend. I was asking about it as I am always curious about what people really think of their stays especially if its not in my space LOL. She said a lot of interesting things including that they (5 of them) voted on/discussed what the review would be. So for example, one person really liked the setting of the house they rented and another thought it was too far from something she wanted to do. Another loved the decor and someone else thought the bathrooms needed a remodel. They left a review they all agreed on with star ratings that they (again) all discussed. Her words were "I took the average." Needless to say it wasn't all 5s. The listing itself seemed perfectly nice and had the host was a Superhost. She also gave them a laundry list of feedback and suggestions collected among the members. Some of this was helpful but most of it was specific to their individual tastes.
I told her about the rating system for hosts vs guests and she seemed shocked. She said this is what she always does when she traveled with others. (I made a note to be booked if she and her friends ever inquire about my place.)
I think this probably happens a fair amount, which is another reason I really don't want to open my space to larger groups. For those of you who allow bigger groups. do you notice that your ratings are appreciably different from stays with fewer people?