Review feedback for guests who went into my private space

Level 10
Wilmington, NC

Review feedback for guests who went into my private space

Ugh. I find it so easy to give advice on reviews when I'm not the host in question! Would love feedback on this one.


I host a room in my home. The guests were friendly and otherwise good guests except that 1) Their dog used a LITTER BOX (I've never heard of this before and although I prohibit pee pads, I never thought I'd have to mention a litter box, lol) and litter was scattered about the room. Nothing terrible though, so whatever.


2) The closet in the room is the largest in my old house so I use it for storage and it's not available to guests. I mention this in my listing, in my house manual, and in a VERY CLEAR SIGN in the room. However, since my room is tiny, I do say they are welcome to stash their suitcases in the closet for extra room, but, again, explicitly say, please do not disturb my belongings. And guess what they did? They pulled out a duvet that was in the closet as well as a fitted sheet and I have no clue how they used the fitted sheet. Both were left on top of the bed when they checked out. The other sheets were still on the bed in normal position. Nothing was stained or wet.


I don't want advice about having an off-limits closet. That's not going to change. I have a small house and need the storage so I'm not clearing it out for guests!


I am going to give them private feedback about the invasion of privacy, but haven't decided how to handle the public review. I'm definitely dinging them on stars for the house rules, but not sure whether to mention in the review that they disturbed my personal belongings or not. What say ye?

46 Replies 46
Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

did their dog sleep on the duvet? 

lock the cupboard. otherwise make peace with the fact that pretty much every guest is going to peek in that closet. 

I wouldn't mention it in your review, you'll only be drawing attention to the fact that in your tiny bedroom you don't offer any hanging space for clothes. 

Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Suzanne 302 definitely mixed messages on your part Nothing missing then Yes . Lock it H

Level 10
Wilmington, NC

@Gillian166  @Helen744 


I probably should mention my listing is unique in the fact that no one stays more than 3 nights, and most guests are 1-2 nights. This is not a "spread out and settle into my home vacation spot." My room offers simple accommodations so it's not like anyone would need a closet. But yes, I DO have multiple hooks to hang clothes outside of the closet. The only reason I offer the closet, is because I thought it would be nice for guests to stash a suitcase or bag in order to keep it off the floor or the chair in the room.


I know guests are going to peek, and I know guests are likely to take anything you give them access to, but to literally take things out of the closet when there is a sign on the closet that says, "IF YOU NEED ROOM YOU ARE WELCOME TO STASH YOUR SUITCASE/BAG IN THE CLOSET, BUT THIS IS MY PRIVATE STORAGE, SO PLEASE DON'T DISTURB MY BELONGINGS" is just completely disrespectful. I don't know how much clearer I could be.

I've been a host long enough so I'm not stewing or taking this personally, just, once again, in awe of the audacity of guests and trying to decide whether it's worth mentioning in the review. To me, a guest going into a closet that essentially says "NO ENTRY" and removing items is the same thing as a host going into a guest's room and searching through the guest's suitcase. I'm sure a guest would mention that in a review.

I've heard they invented padlock few days ago

@David8879  That is not helpful. Please add something valuable to the conversation, or just stay out of it.

@Suzanne302  Sarcasm aside, I have to agree with @David8879 's point in that it's best to lock up anything you don't want guests to be using. Everybody ignores signs sometimes - whether intentionally or not - but only those with criminal intentions would break a lock.



I agree things you don't want guests to use should be locked up. But I wasn't asking whether or not I should put a lock on the closet (that's not going to happen anytime soon). I was asking for thoughts on whether it warrants mentioning in a public review. Hosts can be too close to a situation and lack the ability to be objective sometimes, that's why I find it helpful to hear what others think. Those who have given their opinion on the actual question at hand have been very helpful. Reading through the (helpful) comments I can now step back from the situation and see the bigger picture and think about it from different perspectives.


You offer very good advice on a regular basis and I enjoy reading your take on things!

@Suzanne302 I respectfully disagree with your approach.


You are measuring "other" people using your personal views and values and this is so wrong. People are different.

Some are attentive some are not.

Some people do not read, some can not.

Some obey the rules - some become totally unhinged when not surrounded by the environment they used to.

Some like it hot, some like it cold.

List goes on. Reacting to all small problems will get one nowhere except for early coronary.

There is a certain list of CONS that comes with hosting - it is up to a host to minimize it using any means available. I stayed in airbnb where there was no lock on the bathroom and when I asked about it host was genuinely surprised to hear that it is a concern, she said "but you can hear that someone is there" - quite an idiotic answer even without me having hearing problems - but seemed perfectly fine to her.

I hope you are catching my drift and I will definitely stay out of this useless venting conversation because I do not like aggressive reaction in reply to humor. That says a lot to me. Good luck 
P.S. Not only you have the right to have an opinion

P.P.S. I do understand that you just like most of the hosts now) are frustrated with airbnb weird changes, but, just like with "unruly guests" there is not much to be done and complaints will get all of us)right there in both cases...which is nowhere - except for scripted replies by people who gets orders from higher up



I see you're new to the CC. We come here to vent sometimes. I am an experienced host and have been doing it since 2018 so I'm well-versed on guest behavior and have dealt with many types of guests. I do not stress over small problems or guest behavior. I do, however, become annoyed when comments are made that derail the conversation. I wanted feedback on whether or not I should mention this guest's transgression in the review. I received some very helpful comments. Yours was not one of them. Have a wonderful day.

@Suzzanne302 Really ? rudeness to David is unwarranted. Humor always has a place . The one with the bee in the bonnet is you This whole conversation does not belong to you ,it  sounds like my children saying silly things like' he touched my stuff' when they were smaller. Honestly if you rent a room it ought to be usable by the guest . Maybe its time to throw some stuff out. H



You do you, Helen. You are not contributing anything useful to this conversation. Setting boundaries is not being rude and that's certainly something a parent should teach a child.


If you have any questions about what kind of host I am, read my reviews. Have a nice night.

@Helen744 yup...remember those times when our little ones were rolling on the floor of the store throwing a fit? Yup... that is when I learned not to play chess with the pigeons 


Luggage racks for the suitcases. I have two. Short stay homestay here as well. I have a storage closet with a padlock on it, and another one that is jammed with linens, labeled Storage.  I've not lost any items in all these years, and if they want to open that closet and peak in, I don't care. They have enough extras of everything that they doin't need to fish around for more. And I don't do dogs...



There's no room for a luggage rack, hence, the offer to stash luggage in the closet. The room is 10x9. There's barely room for a bed.