
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session


Level 2
Jelsa, Croatia


I'm super host. Almost all reviews are all 5 stars.

And recently I have received worst review from guest which have stay at our place, just for two nights and we gave him discounted price.

He gave me 3 times one star for Accuracy, Check in and Location. 3 stars for communication, 5 stars cleanliness and value.

The fact is that guest haven't read directions which I have sent to him like I send to all other guest and therefore he could not find us easily. That is his fault but he have somehow decide to blame me for that. I guess that is why he have gave me 1 star for check in and location. All guests which reads my directions have gave me 5 stars for those two especially location which is kind of prestigious location - beautiful nature, close to beaches quiet area but not far from center.

By the way, what is accuracy? - Everything is like on photos and like on description. 

3 stars for communication - well I have tried to communicate with guest but he didn't replied to my messages and haven't read "how to find us". 🙂 Which is main reason for his review.

Is there any way that airbnb will remove this review since it is not reliable and it is not showing the actual situation?  Beside those reasons there are other reviews which are all 5 stars? Where to complain? 


4 Replies 4

@Marija25   On very rare occasions, a review may be removed if it clearly violates the content policy:


This review doesn't seem to fit any of the criteria. Sure, it might have been the guest's own fault that he had trouble finding the address, but he's still entitled to express his subjective opinion about it. Censorship isn't necessarily the solution here.


Where to complain? That's simple:  you post a public response to the review, let it go and move on. It's universally known that nobody likes receiving negative feedback, so complaining about it is not going to result in some kind of mind-blowing revelation.



Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia

@Marija25  na žalost, kao što ti je rekao @Anonymous  šanse da taj komentar bude uklonjen su nikakve, bolje da ne gubiš vrijeme. Čak i kada Airbnb ukloni komentar ocjena ipak ostane.


Gosti ne čitaju, samo moža pogledaju slike a Airbnb je postao totalno user-unfriendly. Recimo pravila su sakrivena skroz na dnu oglasa i trebaju se proširiti da bi se pročitala. Da bi znala da li je gost to pročitao stavila sam lozinku na kraju teksta i onda goste zamolim da pročitaju pravila i da mi kopiraju lozinku. Možda bi tako nešto mogla i ti napraviti sa uputama  kako do vas.


Svatko od nas prije ili kasnije dobije takvog lošeg gosta, to je neizbježno. Na kraju možemo biti sretni ako nam ne zapale ili demoliraju apartman. Nemoj se sekirati zbog tog komentara.

Samo jedan savjet, ubuduće kada odgovaraš na komentar nemoj se obraćati direktno gostu jer on to i tako neće pročitati. Obraćaj se budućim potencijalnim gostima i probaj biti kratka, neemocionalna i profesionalna. Na primjer ja bi odgovorila ovako nekako : " Nažalost, gost X propustio je pogledati upute i mapu koju smo poslali prije dolaska i  zato je, za razliku od svih naših prethodnih gostiju, on jedini imao poteškoća sa pronalaskom točne lokacije. Nadamo se da će na svojim budućim putovanjima naučiti snositi odgovornost za vastite propuste umjesto da okrivljuje druge"

Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

hello @Marija25 

You have  the Right to exercise a public Right of Reply to any Reviews about you under the Guests review.

Bear in mind what you, or anyone writes, can and does have a flow on effect to future potential Hosts for the Guest, and also for yourself as a Host.


Have a browse here in ABB CC using related keywords for other examples whereby Hosts may have experienced similar situations as yours and what they may have written in response to their Guest/s.


All the best and "Focus on Future" Guests as the one you had review will slide down  as time progresses and new Guests review your Hospitality.

Level 2
Jelsa, Croatia

Thanks to everyone.