When a guest cancels before arrival, neither of you should submit a review, @Carol754 . You are right: the form is not appropriate for a no-show cancellation. It's just that, as it is last-minute, the system doesn't know the guest didn't arrive, so prompts you to review. You don't have to. Yes, it will sit there telling you it's too late, etc., but no worries. Just ignore it. There are no penalties for not reviewing, and in this case not reviewing was the right thing to do.
If that guest reviewed you, the same thing applies. You should be able to get it taken down as cleanliness, location, accuracy, check-in are all not the writer's experience.
When I have a last-minute no-show cancellation, I send a note to the guest saying the usual 'sorry you couldn't make it' and telling them that both of us will be prompted by the system to review but that protocol is that we ignore it.