
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session



Over the past 6 years of hosting I mentioned a pattern and would love to hear your opinion on it.

My long airbnb hosting journey showed me, that the majority of the guests who use airbnb for the first time, are very angry people and demanding.

Most of them have no feeling for the value of things. I asked myself why? And I finally came to a personal conclusion that this problem is a lack of experience with using airbnb. Out of my observation I see that the first time users lack on empathy and have an imagination about how they want you and your home to be.  There is a lack of tolerance and acceptance. I feel like the guest needs time to understand the concept of airbnb and accept indifferences and learn to value the nice opportunities. Till now I never declined on guests, who don't have reviews, who never used airbnb before, but today I think, I am scared of people who come off, as they would know it better, how you need to be. 


I would love to open a petition  to restrict new guests, who have no experience in airbnb to be able to give hosts reviews for the first 5 bookings at different places. Because I am tired to give people chances and be demolished by they lack of understanding and their aggressive entitlement. I feel like a guests who wants to profit from this community and the value must gain/ learn certain understanding and feeling before they get weaponized with reviews. I do think I am an experienced host, but I am more and more scared to host guests who never attended any airbnb places before, because I do not want to risk my value to someone who lacks respect towards all my work and my personal experience. Hosting is more as just giving your guest a place to stay. I am very accurate in what I sell people here, I do get upset about people who cannot read listing description and house rules and dictate and judge me how my personal space and my persona needs to be. I am definitely tired of people who do not have understanding for values and effort. I also think it's wrong to give reviews on the first place you ever used in your life through airbnb, if you as a guest have no comparison at all.  



101 Replies 101

I never in my life called police on anyone, I believe in good. Also my guests are kids, can happen. Their life is more in danger than mine. I wish everyone the best. I am not going to leave the guests brand marked with bad reviews, so they can go and learn from other hosts too and I do not need to worry to walk in my neighborhood on a street. What happened was not intentional, it was simple stupid and upsetting. 

@Elisabeth40  Perhaps I misunderstood the situation....someone entered your personal space while you sleeping and pepper-sprayed you by mistake? What did they think they were doing?

I do not mind hosting local young people. I do believe in good. The majority of young local guests I host do not have any airbnb experiences at all. It takes a lot of time and effort to explain to guests why certain things work certain way. The issue is following: I can have house rules and a listing description, the first time airbnb users don't respect my house rules and ignore everything. I even ask young people: "have you read the listing description, have you seen the house rules?" They say always YES! But speaking out of experience, they ignore my house rules. If I start going agains what they are doing, I end up being with bad reviews. I simple see, that young people do not understand why and do not want to respect. I understand, a review to them is a way to vent and complain, but I cannot sacrifice my status on airbnb constantly dealing with moody young guests. I am ok with reviews, but I am not ok with points. 

You can complain as much as you want on my profile, I do not mind, but I do mind it id they give me 2 stars or 3 stars, for them misbehaving. It's like they try to push me to function and get along with everything they come up with. It' s a lot. If I wouldn't restrict my young local guests, I end up being here with 5-10 guests at the same time at my place, sometimes they even come during night. I do believe, that someone who is not respecting others, shouldn't be able to review you as a revenge, just because they don't get their way. 

I have more reviews like that, the point is and I can prove it, many local young first time users do not appreciate or value anything, Does this person really believes she can review me after pepper spraying me wile I am sleeping ?Is there any self reflection in a behaviour?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

I've hosted hundreds of guests in my home the vast majority first time and younger guests.  @Elisabeth40 

Absolutely none of them have broken my house rules or abused my hospitality. Nor do they give me two or three star ratings. 


Okay one couple came home loud and drunk one night and woke me up. When I chatted to them about it the next day and reiterated my house rule,  they apologised and I still got a five star review from them.


I think part of the problem you are experiencing is that you find it difficult to enforce your house rules and treat these younger guests as if they are children. They are adults and should be held to the same standards of behaviour as any other guest. They are old enough to vote, get married and sign up to serve their country. They are certainly old enough to follow a few basic house rules 🙂


Why are you allowing guests to bring in other guests to stay for free, to pepper spray you and otherwise abuse your hospitality and break your house rules in no repercussions . In England we have a saying sometimes 'you need to grow a pair' 🙂




thank you for your input. I am over it. I figured out a solution for myself.

can you please do not address me anymore when you respond to me, I am tired of being busy with this for days. but please feel free post

Please suggest me, what could I have done better, not to get a 1 star review?! I already allowed her friend for free. what else? I didn't called police on her for pepper spraying my place and me wile I am asleep. I even told her it's ok to leave her garbage here, I will take care of it, even if I do not charge any cleaning fees. Does this guest understands her behaviour? I can be happy it was only a pepper spray probably. Why I am getting pepper sprayed for being nice?

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Look what the first users are doing. No experience at all, coming to my home, breaking my house rules, bringing friends. I even was so nice to go along with her friend staying for free here. On top of it, pepper spraying  my place and me wile I am asleep, for what? me being nice?! and giving me a 1 star review. This is what I mean by that. How can someone allow himself to pepper spray my place and give me a 1 star review? I even didn't called police on her. I was thinking of her life!!!!!!!!

Salut @Elisabeth40 ,


I’m so sorry to hear that your guest pepper spray you.Yet, left you a bad review.


Recently we’ve the same experience like you, this guest and also a local host during his stay, breaking our house rules and didn’t respect other guest sleeping hours. 

While we kindly advised him, sudden he behave rudely and shouted us.
We shorten his stay, he left us a 1 start review.

” I prefer to spend a night on street, rather to stay in his place” 



@Elisabeth40  I'm sorry but none of what you're saying makes sense to me anymore. How did this situation get to the point that you were being pepper sprayed in your sleep? How crazy is it that of all the messed up things that went down in this booking, the thing you're most concerned about is your star rating?

Level 10




The problem is, that You do not have the strenght to enforce appropriate guest behavior in Your place.


I can only tell You that if a guest sprayed pepperspray in my place this guest would have hell on earth within 5 minutes. I don't have all the problems You have. From the first message I exchange with my guests through check-in and then during their stay, I'm telling my guests exactely what they can do and what they can't do. If they leave the given avenue, I confront them immediately. And talk talk talk is not the only policy I have in place to discipline those people.


We all know that there are bad people out there, we know there are reviews and we know airbnb does not delete reviews. You know that also.


The problem You're having is not that there are bad people in this world, the problem is not airbnb or reviews, the problem is in Yourself, Your own personallity.



Salut @Ute42,


As in the @Elisabeth40  comment mentioned,

"I believe if someone is not capable to love others, there is no ways to be a host "

"  I do believe in people, I do want and love people "


The problem is @Elisabeth40  believe in people and treated her guest with true love.

Undoubtedly, they don't value her works.

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom


It's not actually loving to enable, condone and encourage bad behaviour.... There is such a thing as 'tough love', n'est pas?  

Exactly @Helen350.  We've probably all had to learn the balance of friendly but firm, welcoming but in control.  And sometimes people just don't like us @Dale711 🙄


Level 10
Paris, France

Salut @Anonymous,

I beg @Elisabeth40  is not concerned  her stars rating review.

Otherwise, she has report to Airbnb it’s a revenge review.


She feel unfairly treated by new young guest that was with no experience in Airbnb.

She just proposed appeal a restriction for new user should write a hornets review to the host since they ever use though Airbnb.

Nevertheless, Airbnb should be more observation to new user in terms of the reviews.