
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session


Level 2
Aurora, CO


Hello Airbnb Community,


I have a Guest arriving tomorrow, and it turns out that she is also a Host.

Her last two reviews have mentioned that her place has Roaches: "Roaches everywhere".... "ROACHES!"


Do you have a suggestions on how to handle when it looks like from other Hosts here in the Community Forum that ABB takes the side of the Guest once there is an infestation.


I'm in a cold climate, Colorado and it's February. But that doesn't mean this Host turned Guest can't be bringing roaches with her in her luggage.


What do I do- Cancel her reservation...? And risk being put on the "naughty" list for canceling a Guest's reservation at the last minute?


This is a HUGE dilema for me!

Thanks ALL!


5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sarah4001 When you check this guest in I would say something like - 'I see you've had problems with roaches in the past' As you can see we are roach free' and then take them on a tour opening all the cupboards where roaches are likely to be. Hopefully they will not then try it on with you (if that is what has happened elsewhere)

@Mike-And-Jane0 I think you misunderstood her post. This person who booked with her is a host with guest reviews saying her place is infested with roaches. Sarah 's concern isn't that this person will report that her house had roaches, but that she will bring roaches into Sarah's home.


And I really don't know what to suggest about this situation.

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Sarah977 ooh yes - Perhaps fumigate her when she arrives!

@Sarah4001  I'm not sure this situation meets the requirements for a penalty free cancellation. But you have a valid concern here; cockroaches aren't quite as notorious stowaways as bedbugs and fleas, but there is a non-zero chance that their eggs can travel with a guest's luggage. (Of course, these risks come with every guest)


My first question would be whether the guest lives in the infested property, which should be apparent from the listing. If so, it wouldn't be unreasonable to ask whether the situation has been resolved and discuss how you can work together to prevent a transmission.


If the guest hosts off-site, it doesn't seem like much of a danger to you. It's one thing if she just has an altogether bad reputation as a host, but she might have just experienced a recent bout of misfortune with the creatures, which would be shame to compound by ruining her trip. 

Level 2
Aurora, CO



Hello All! 

 @Anonymous  in Germany, @Mike-And-Jane0  in England, @Sarah977  in Mexico... Greetings!

Re: Roach Host-> Guest. It's day 14, review is in, so here's the update.


(Some additional info first)

Since I have had "unregistered guests", I now have everyone 18+ register as a guest with photo "within 48 hours of arrival in order to activate the smart-lock" (I code to the last 4 digits of their cell that ABB has on file). Wish I had required photos of all guests from the beginning! This prevents parties etc.

It works like a charm! And "encourages" everyone to be honest. From there, I can look them up and see their reviews, if any, as either a Guest or if they are a Host.

***See below-as to what else I do to discourage bad behaviour/ prevent "Bad Guests" ****


So with this particular guest, one of her registered guest/ friends is also a Host with a 4.3 ranking (!?!).  I peeked into the review section, and she had 2 separate reviews in December regarding roaches. It's now March and she has had no further reviews/ guests. I made a screen shot of those reviews and sent it to the main Guest,  with a note, "I see one of your guests is also a Host..." Her reply was "yes, she and her brother are Hosts", but made no mention of the negative reviews.


And as you pointed out, Andrew, it was too late for me to cancel their reservation, plus I would be "dinged", but you also pointed out that the "Roach Host" may not live at the infested property, so I did confirm that she does not (whew!).


In the meanwhile,  thanks Mike & Jane, for your suggestion, I took both pictures and videos of the (open) kitchen cabinets, the trash area etc. as I am SUPER picky already, but preparing for the worst and I need proof with "Before" pics and videos.


All guests arrive, I have a small b'day cake and flowers in a vase upon arrival for the Birthday girl (main Guest), and later during their stay, I bring down to their suite a bottle of Cava for them to celebrate the b'day girl with. (There's some guests you can tell A-Head of time that are going to be High-Maintenance, well these ladies certainly fit the bill!)

So I go out of my way-right...! I even offered to take photos of them with their phones, which they were excited to let me take for them.


Then the moment of truth comes, and they leave. Knowing that I am already on high alert for bugs, yet they left their full kitchen trash bags there on the kitchen floor! UGH! 

NOTE: The trash/ recycling bins are right outside the door on the patio that they pass by to enter/exit the Guest Suite. Plus, on day 1,  out of the minimum 3 day stay, I have an auto-message with instructions as to were they can dispose of trash and find the extra kitchen bags, located just above the kitchen sink. (Now, as an EXTRA, EXTRA precaution, there's a label there too with instructions as to where to find the bins).


In the meanwhile, it was deep clean time, and I had some lovely repeat guests to arrive the next day, that I am sure would let me know if they found anything to be concerned about. My lovely repeat guests said nothing, and leave. So I continue to wait out my review time for the (roach) Guests, she did post a review on day 12. But, I decided to still stay the course and "take the high-road" and not review her. 

Today is day 14 and overall she writes a glowing review. However even with all the "Extra Niceties", Ms. High-Maintenance leaves me with a "4-Star", because I had (the gall) to point out that her friend, had "Roach issues", twice. I have no regrets that I did  not review her.

What's that expression... "Mama always said, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothin' at all"


That's life..! Sometimes you just have to chalk-it up and keep moving ahead. NEXT...!

Thanks again all!



***Bad Guests***

I keep a three ring binder/ Guest Guide Book on the desk in the suite. It has suggestions of fun things to do, restaurant suggestions etc.

It also reiterates that due to allergies and a high sensitivity to smells, that this entire property is a NO smoke/ vape/ marijuana/ incense and scents such a patchouli oil property.


Well, this next tab was really meant to point out that some guests are ridiculous and to get a laugh from their antics... And it is labeled "Bad Guests/ (year)" with screen shots/ photos from the security cameras that are not only mentioned and listed with photos in my advert, but are clearly marked along the pathway as the guest walks towards their suite. It has photos of guests smoking/ vaping etc. Or photos of the marijuana paraphernalia that gets left behind. Or the guest that registered for 4, but 5 show up with luggage at 1AM. See- ridiculous! It has their public review too. 

Since this "tab" was added, it has greatly helped discourage bad behaviour- and if you can use for your place, by all means use my... system. Cheers~