Sharing a positive experience

Level 10
Rapid City, SD

Sharing a positive experience

Last week I had an instant booking for three people, one night. The guest had very good reviews, five stars. He messages that it will be himself, his partner and two friends. I asked him to confirm the number of guests, as he had booked for three, but mentioned four. He confirmed that it was four. 


Then he asks me to confirm that there will be two off street parking spots available for their "expensive vehicles." There is only one spot in the driveway. Two small cars can fit without blocking the sidewalk, but he says he has a full sized pickup truck as one of his vehicles. That's just not going to work. Nowhere in my listing does it state that I have off street parking for two vehicles, because I can't guarantee that. I explain to him that this is not a good fit for his needs, and offer to authorize a full refund if he were to cancel. "Are you telling me to cancel?" No, I'm not, but I'm not feeling comfortable about not being able to fulfil his parking needs, which are obviously very important to him. He tells me that if I think both vehicles can fit, he will be fine. I know they won't, and he will be dissatisfied. I do not want to risk a less than five star review, because as we all know, five is passing, and four is failing. 


I decided to contact customer service. I asked if the rep could ask the guest to cancel, and I would be more than happy to authorize a refund, as my listing does not fit the guest's needs. I also asked if I would be penalized for initiating this. The rep assured me that I would not be penalized, and promised to reach out to the guest on my behalf. A few minutes later, I get a notification that the guest had cancelled. The guest also sends me a message saying, "Thanks for wasting my time." I apologized for being unable to accommodate his needs, and advised him that he should read listing details more carefully in the future. 


A few days later, I was thinking about this, and checked hi profile again out of curiosity. There was a review from a host in my state who stated that the guest cancelled after check out because her place was not a stand alone house, and there were other people living in a seperate but attached apartment in the house. She stated that the guest did not read the listing details and was upset, and that this could have been avoided if he had read the listing description. It was a relief to read her review and confirm that my experience with the guest was not due to a lack of communication on my part, but a failure on the guest's part. 


Customer service was polite, empathetic, and quick in assisting me with this issue, and I was quite impressed. Just wanted to share.

11 Replies 11
Level 10
Arkansas, United States



Thanks so much for taking the time to relate a positive experience.


We need more of that, and we particularly need to know that CS is not always inept.


In fact, I wonder if they are not helpful more often than we might assume from the unpleasant experiences we hear about.

@Jennie131 @Brian2036 

I have always had excellent experiences with customer service. They have been real human beings in my experience, just like we and our guests are! 

I just have to say every single time I’ve dealt with CS (many times) they have been amazing and exceeded my expectations. I’m actually shocked that anyone has bad experiences with CS. I think Airbnb’s CS is some of the best I’ve ever experienced with ANY company. 



Would you mind sharing the general nature of a few of your interactions with CS?

I, too, have had very easy, pleasant experiences; however mine have not included damages, $$ or problematic guests.  I wonder if that is a determining factor 😉

I can’t remember what all of my issues have been, but I do know I worked with CS one time because I was keeping someone’s deposit due to them smoking in the house and I also requested additional money for missing/stolen items. CS was super helpful and easy to work with. And every time I’ve worked with CS their agents are always extremely friendly and they follow up quickly. And actually that’s the only time I’ve ever kept anyone’s deposits. Maybe I’ve been lucky but pretty much all of my guests have been really great. But we have a house that we specifically use as a rental. It’s not our own home. So I might be annoyed by more things if I actually lived there. Lol

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



Perhaps your polite, respectful and grateful attitude has something to do with your positive experiences…


I would put money on it.

Level 10
Arkansas, United States



And, “Thanks for wasting my time?”


How about, “I’m sorry for wasting your time by being too lazy to read your listing?”


Total lack of consideration evident there. Definitely a guest I wouldn’t want.

While I definitely felt like saying this, I did not. Just because he was rude to me does not give me license to be rude in return. 

Level 10
Orono, ME

Good to hear. Also, kudos to the other host who left an honest detailed review about this guest not reading the listing description! I love it when honest reviews can help and reinforce a future host's decision-making.

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Thanks for sharing the positive experience! It is good to hear that!

Level 2
Colorado Springs, CO

I had a more positive experience with a guest who also overlooked that I didn't allow pets. He noticed my house rule about no shoes and it occurred to him while he was outside my house that maybe pets would be a problem, so he called me. CS was very helpful and I was able to walk out to the guest and let him talk to customer service on my phone where he was able to cancel the listing. Great job by CS and a great guest who made a genuine mistake and accepted it. I was happy to accept a cancellation with no penalty to guest, and in instant karma I got a guest request at 11pm for that very room that night, so I lost nothong and felt good about humanity at the same time. Double win!!!