Site won't let me relist my old listing. I had it unavailable for two years. When I click the "relist" button I get a blank screen.

Level 1
Great Barrington, MA

Site won't let me relist my old listing. I had it unavailable for two years. When I click the "relist" button I get a blank screen.

It also says it can't be booked for fewer than 91 days. I know this is for tax reasons. I can't for the life of me figure out how to activate the local taxation feature. I contacted Help and the person there told me I had to make a new listing, and  that I'd lose all my reviews. All my pics, all my reviews, etc etc are all still there for anybody to see!

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


If you create a new listing, all reviews from the "old" listing will remain on your profile.

You can use "duplicate" feature to create new listing from the old one.


Level 1
Great Barrington, MA

Thank you! Before I even attempt that, where do I find this "duplicate" feature while in the midst of putting up a new listing? And can I access my old photos as well?

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


When creating a new listing (dashboard: menu, " create new listing"), a screen is displayed like this:



Level 1
Great Barrington, MA

Wow, thanks again. That is so helpful! Never would have found it.