Bonjour .Je suis sûr la plateforme Airbnb depuis sa création...
Bonjour .Je suis sûr la plateforme Airbnb depuis sa création. ( Location à long terme)Je trouve une solution à chaque soussie...
We have rediscovered the joy of meeting a new generation of people from around the world.
To put it in context we have to do Airbnb to help make ends meet, but when we were first married with young kids we used to host foreign exchange students and our kids (now grown up) benefiited (I think) enormously from meeting people from other cultures.
Now that we are older we ourselves are meeting the international "next generation", and it's an eye-opener. They are like we were, but instead of fearing nuclear Armageddon as we were in the 1980s they are worried about climate change and global stuff.
We are meeting the nicest people on Airbnb. How about you?
Thumbs down! 😞
@Cormac0 I would say that is is an exceptional pastime if only we didn't have to host garbage, disrespectful guests . . . out of the 6 times I've hosted guests since August, 2 groups have violated house rules with smoking marijuana which is illegal in our state (Iowa, USA) and partying outside until 3 and 4 am which is clearing against house rules. As much as both of them have stated that they will return, I will not accept them.
'So, apart from the money, what have you gained from hosting on Airbnb?'
Flexibility, mainly. Putting the money to one side (npi), it means we get to call the shots, ie. when we're 'open' and when we're not. We had a 20-year-old grad in the room before Airbnb. How he didn't end up buried under the patio was a miracle.
Airbnb is great because, if I don't like somebody I know I'l be waving them goodbye, Basil Fawlty style, in a matter of days.
@Gordon0 I'm the same way! If I wanted a roommate I'd get one, haha. I limit my stays to 5 nights as I think that's my threshold if I have a stinker of a guest.
@Suzanne302 Good advice . . . even 5 days seems long for my location. I can't wait for bad guests to leave. But I wish the fabulous guests would stay!!!!
@Gordon0 -- AMEN to that: "Bye-bye loser guests!" and don't let the door hit your behind as you walk out!
So many gains! I think the most important one - I gained friends. I went traveling with my guests, who eventually became my friends.
What more? I have met a Hollywood star. I thought it will never happen in my life, I live far from Hollywood 😁 And yes, we became friends as well.
Other gains are: compliments, endless wine 😁, warmest hugs... Still remember some so hearty hugs from my guests when they were leaving... Worth of tears.
And honestly even very problematic guests were gains - it helped me to outline my rules, change my level of self protection, grow spiritually and always remember how lucky I am to be a host and a friendly person.
Aww thanks for sharing this @Kat84 , would love to hear more of your hosting stories!
@Stephanie I totally agree and would love to hear more of her hosting stories as well @Kat84
@Kat84 Can you tell me (and us) how you improved the outline of your rules? How did it help you grow 'spiritually', which I really find enticing? How do they give you 'hugs'? You must be there on the property.
@Kevin1322 nice opening post. Thanks.
@Gordon0 would like to see your Basil Fawlty!
Most of our guests have been great. We started hosting so our guest suite wouldn't end up as Toymageddon - kids strew their stuff everywhere then won't use the room as the floor has disappeared!
One gain has been the presence of a quickly prepared, great space for our own guests, when we have them.
@Mike-And-Helen0 yes, a ready space for family and friends is a good gain. nice point.
Interesting situations
Knowledge about types of people
Stronger intuition
Trust in humanity
The money coming in from Airbnb has allowed me to quit unsuitable jobs before finding another. Having people regularly stay makes it easier for me to open my home to other groups, such as Extinction Rebellion people who have travelled from other parts of the country to take part in the protests in London. I've met so many great people via Airbnb