
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

So proud of myself

Level 10
New York, NY

So proud of myself

I host remotely and have never been able to figure out how to provide guests with special snacks, drinks, flowers, or other welcoming touches.


Finally think I've hit on it - I had these little note pads made up.  They cost $1.45 each.  I'm getting pencils too, also with @Diagonair stamped on them.


Aren't they adorable?  :):):)



51 Replies 51
Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

Hahaha I love it @Sarah977 - I needed a laugh today too (laying in bed after putting my back out)

@Ben551 Aaarrrgghh!  Hope it gets better soon.  

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I am a bit or a snooper Susan, I will generally ask overseas guests if they would mind me keeping a couple of details on file so I can send them a card or an email every now and then. Most of them are only to happy to comply......the ones that aren't, I don't really want to send a card to, or specifically remember !!


We also have had nondisposable shopping bag legislation for about 20 years now. Nobody thinks about it they just bring their own bags and it all works well.

We also have recycle deposit legislation where most drink containers including cardboardhave a 10c deposit attached to them. It's amazing how it cleaned up the countryside when that was introduced. 


Here is a typical collection centre (although this goose is trying to stuff a glass bottle into the plastic/can shute) and these centres are generally located close to major supermarkets. After you have fed all your recyclables into the machine it spits out a bar coded docket and you can claim this doket as a credit at the Supermarket checkout!



My fervent wish is that the government would bring McDonalds packaging under the deposit legislation....we really would have a pristine environment if that happened!



Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

Rob that is fantastic!!! There ought to be more of these ideas around. (Sorry I cant tag).

Level 2
Alaska, United States

Makaha gift basketMakaha gift basketSince I'm in Alaska and my rental is in Hawaii, I premake gifts when I'm there that don't expire or melt for my guests arrival with pre-written Welcome cards.  When guests arrive after 4pm, it's nice for them to have a few drinks and Hawaiian chocolates and a couple snack packs.  I add in a small tube or two of sunscreen.  I store it in the closet for my cleaners to put out for each arrival.  The only problem was that I wasn't sure how to tell the guests that my basket stays without being rude:).  For my first guest in Talkeetna, Alaska Trailside Cabins, I had a little fun and put together a wine gift basket for six women in a ski race (for AFTER the race)... with chocolate again (of course!) and crackers with cheese. I probably can't afford that every time but this was a special occassion. Trailside 1st welcome gift basket.jpg


@Andrea2287 These are wonderful!  And what I love most about them is that they show how much you enjoy making them.  The guests must be thrilled.


I got the pads on a website, so if you're interested, let me know.  I wanted to give something the guests could go home with and have a little smile at the thought of that little dirt road in Maine called Diagon Alley - and that in turn would help them remember their vacation - and of course - maybe even come back.  🙂

Level 2
Alaska, United States

Yes... I am interested in the website for the pads. They're cute and it's good repeat advertising for $1.45. Thanks for the cudos on my gifts. I do enjoy it.  And wow! You're house looks fantastic!


@Andrea2287 Here's the site where I found the note pads -  And thank you so much for the compliment on the house!!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Such a great idea @Andrea2287.


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Level 2
Alaska, United States

By the way Ann.. the paper pads are a great idea. I've been looking for a little extra simple gift. Thanks for posting.  Andrea 

Level 3
London, United Kingdom

Very cool! I also after extras using GuestHug which is an app with an in app sales platform so guests can order directly from you those added extras!

Level 7
Nairobi, Kenya

Ann you are one creative person

@Amos18, thank you, dear Amos!  🙂

Level 10
Wellington, New Zealand

@Ann72 I really love this idea. You are so creative, it’s fantastic inspiration 🙂


I was doing printed pads for my guests (not as fancy) though I was going through too many at one point, so I stopped. Guests were taking the entire pad all the time. I meant to look for a cheaper printer but never got around to it, so instead I tarted up an A5 sized clip board with hemp string and abalone sea shell then put a plain, recycled paper notepad into it... so far, guests don’t steal the whole pad anymore.




We have different objectives though I think. You’re trying to create a momento they can take as a souvenir, whereas I’m being a cheap **bleep** and trying to stop folk nicking my bloody paper 😄

@Ben551, Thank you, kind sir!  And yes, exactly - I want each guest to take the whole pad.  Who knows where it will lead?  🙂


Love your clipboard 🙂


When I get the pencils I'll post a pic.  But at $1.36 apiece, I don't know if I'll do that after the first supply runs out.  Shouldn't a pencil be about 45 cents?  Or less?