[FESTIVAL] Your Presence Can be the Gift of Hosting…

Top Contributor
Bellevue, WA

[FESTIVAL] Your Presence Can be the Gift of Hosting…

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Hello fellow Airbnb hosts and guests!

What Airbnb stays stand out most in your mind? It can vary from the beautiful surroundings (the majestic mountains, breathtaking ocean views, eclectic city vibes) to the amazing amenities (hello hot tubs and themed listings), to the warm interactions and memories of the people you meet during your stay. I can say that it’s great to have the former, and when I really think about it, it’s really the people I travel with and my experiences with the host/caretaker or listing that make a lasting impression.


One hosting experience that stands out in my mind was a guest that booked a stay with us not to visit the area but because their mother passed away and I provided the normal snacks, drinks, and handwritten card but went out of the way to purchase a beautiful lily bouquet as I got that it would be appreciated.


During their stay we were able to spend time talking, reminiscing over some memories and my son drew several things and gave them as little gifts, picked flowers and offered them, and just was his normal talkative, friendly self, making jokes with our guest. The guest’s review warmed my heart as they said that being around my son reminded them of the circle of life and his joyful vibrant energy sure was the special support they needed during this time of loss. Don’t underestimate the impact of your thoughtfulness, kind communication, or your presence/helpful tips. This is what sets us apart from a hotel or “just a place to stay” and is the heart of why most people host ~ the joy of interactions. We learn, support and grow with each and every interaction.

How has a host made your stay special? How did a guest warm your heart? What will you try to incorporate into a future visit? Could it just be mentioning to a guest or host the appreciation for their listing or hospitality? I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts…


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