Superhost status and cover cancellation

Level 1
England, United Kingdom

Superhost status and cover cancellation

Hi Lizzie

I have 2 ongoing issues with Airbnb. I got so fed up getting absolutely nowhere with Airbnb support and telephone calls that I emailed Brain Chesky personally. I have still not heard back from anyone - I was promised someone would contact me with regards my superhost status gripe and I was also promised I would hear back about my April "Orla' cancellation. I haven't heard a word from anyone.  It is incredibly infuriating.

Below is my email to Brian and feedback form info...


My feedback is about 2 things: 1) Superhost status and 2) 25% covid payment on one of my Covid cancelled bookings.
Firstly Superhost Status - I have been in touch with Airbnb about this for the last 2 days as I feel very strongly about it. I don't seem to be getting anywhere with it at the moment.  I never seem to make Superhost Status even though I believe I go above and beyond hosting hospitality. I know friends seem to have got it very easily when they hardly ever let their houses out on Airbnb and don't offer the same touches that I do. I know that a host needs to have less than 1% cancellation in a year to qualify. My gripe is that Superhost status is assessed by a computer system alone and nothing else is taken into consideration. Let me explain. I have been letting my house out full time for the last 2 years and on and off prior to that since March 2014. Last May 2019,  l blocked my calendar and let my house out to a family for 3 months who were in dire need of somewhere to live. They were due to move out in time for the May 28th - 31st booking. They then had a premature baby and their house renovation was not ready. The mum and baby were in hospital and I decided I could not ask them to  move out whilst in the middle of their difficult situation. I chose to cancel my Airbnb booking to help this family. To be honest, my Airbnb guest had already been quite a nuisance, asking several times for a discount etc. I sent her a VERY apologetic email explaining the situation with the baby and went out of my way to find her other Airbnb houses also in Henley available for that weekend which she could rent instead. I sent her all the links to help her. She just sent me rude emails back.I also rang Airbnb to explain the situation as I was hoping this would all be taken into consideration when it came to my possible Superhost status. In the meantime, as with all my guests, I do absolutely everything that I can for them. My communication is always 100% and immediate, I always leave a hand written card for guests on the table along with flowers, a bottle of wine and milk and some basics in the fridge. The house is immaculate and a lovely space. I take great pride in offering the best that I can to people. I make contact with them or pop down to meet them the day they arrive if they want me to and I stay in touch during their visit to make sure they have everything they need. You can see all this from my reviews. I have also put my house up at a very reduced rate for frontline Covid workers. My issue now is that when I rang Airbnb yesterday to check on the next Superhost assessment date, I was once again told the robotic answer of..,.I have had one cancellation in may last year therefore I won't get it again!!!! I have been on Airbnb since 2014! Seriously, this is INCREDIBLY annoying for hosts like me who are doing an amazing job. I am going out of my way with all my guests, adding all these lovely personal touches that Airbnb suggests we do, such as leaving a handwritten note and flowers etc. and yet when it comes to assessing someones status, the personal touch goes out of the window and we are assessed purely by a computer system alone with the 1% cancellation criteria ruling everything. In such a personal business, opening up our own homes to let strangers stay and creating a lovely warm, inviting space for them surely deserves a human being to be able to override a computer system when needed and assess Superstatus with a heart sometimes. And that's not even taking into consideration the fact that mine is one of the potential frontline covid houses. I promise I will keep going with this further up Airbnb as I feel it is something you are not getting right. It makes me as a host and probably many more people feel like I am just a tiny  cog in a giant corporate machine. It's a shame because I do actually think Airbnb is fantastic and I use it to travel too but there are definite flaws in the business for hosts. It feels we are treated very harshly compared to guests.

2) my 2nd point - 25% covid payment for Orla's cancellation in April
This was the 2nd reason I got in touch with Airbnb yesterday. I had a booking for Orla in April I believe. This was due to be her second time staying at my house. She then cancelled when ferries stopped running from Ireland and we went into lockdown. Shortly after this, I received an email from Airbnb ( and before the announcement of 25% payments) . It said I could choose to refund Orla the full amount if I wished. That meant I was going to loose approx £350. I decided to refund her the total amount, obviously putting myself out of pocket in doing so. Yet again, things like this don't seem to be taken into consideration when assessing super host status. I have since been told that for some reason, I do not qualify for the 25% covid payment on this cancellation which I don't understand? Why not on this booking?

I know we are going though a very tricky time at the moment and I am actually not someone to normally dig my heels in like this but when I feel it is an unfair system, then it needs to be said. I really hope I hear back from someone in authority about theses 2 issues.

Many thanks and kind regards Sarah

2 Replies 2

We should form a UNION to start a Class action Lawsiut against Airbnb . And create our own booking platform BY REAL HOSTS DIRECT  Together we can make a difference.

We are  also receiving incorrect payouts   - where do i send my invoice for the balance ?

as this is against EU consumer Law.


We are Hosts selling Accommodation Only on your platform


We do not sell transportation in combination with the rental / accommodation services and as such do not offer travel packages on your system. Therefore we are not at fault if the guest cannot make it to the property by bicycle/ taxi / plane , walk or any other means. Kindly note that our confirmed reservations have been securely held for a long period of time and could have been rented to other prospective local or foreign guests had we not held them securely.


There is no lockdown on Rentals in our country

If a guest is local or foreign , living in  or not , are to make their own way to the property on check in day.


The properties advertised on the Airbnb platform hold a strict 50% cancellation policy chosen by us and agreed to by each and every guest as a legally binding contract of sale.

The properties advertised on your platform hold a strict 50% cancellation policy chosen by us and agreed to by each and every guest as a legally binding contract of sale.


if guests cancel prior to check in , we are entitled to compensation of 50% of the total - ( with the exception of your fees for the booking )
If we are not paid we will invoice AIRBNB accordingly.


Customer Support representatives are hiding their true full names or identities on all Host complaints under this subject ? We hosts should subscribe to form a class action Lawsiut . we hosts should  find a way to share contact information and join up as a Host Union of some sort