Superhost status cancelled

Level 1
San Giorgio delle Pertiche, Italy

Superhost status cancelled

Hi, this topic has probably been covered, just wanted to express my massive disappointment at having our Superhost status cancelled after 6 years... we failed to meet the number of stays criteria  depsite having these stats:

Overall rating 5.0 - Response rate 100% - Cancellations 0/yr - Accepted reservations 100%

This is absurd because in Italy Covid restrictions have only just been lifted, partially... tourism is only starting again now. Moreover, we only rent over the warmer months (April-October). 

No consideration for local situations in this decision.  The return to the "old" criteria happened way too early in my opinion.  

I had always recommended Airbnb as a platform to other hosts and guests, hard to maintain my enthusiasm now.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Lance46  Hope you’re well.


Indeed lots of other hosts are in the same position as you, not that that makes it ok.


Do you think you’ll meet the number of stays requirement during the next assessment?


Best wishes 



Level 1
San Giorgio delle Pertiche, Italy

Hi Paul, thanks for your message, hope you too are well.


We  had 5 stays only last year for a total of 50 nights, exactly half of the requirement. Our first bookings are starting to come in now, however not sure if we'll meet the requirement in the next quarter, although we should meet it by the end of September.


In any case,  I simply wanted to express my disappointment, I don't expect anything to change. I'm not especially motivated to get back to Superhost status through this criterion, for us hosting is a "hobby", we host in a second home quite far from where we live, I don't want it to become a chore or a second job! I simply hope all my guests will enjoy staying with us, as they all have so far, no negatve reviews in 7-8 years!


Thanks again
