Support hold times and hang ups... I still haven't been helped!!!!

Level 2
Pacifica, CA

Support hold times and hang ups... I still haven't been helped!!!!

After 15 minutes on hold, support line was hung up.  I don't mean to think the worst...  but I think they do this to show better metrics and shorter wait times to executive management.   

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Why are you posting multiple and identical messages about the same issue ?

We all know Airbnb CS is slow and this community can not change this.

( I have 1 open support ticket at Airbnb CS for almost 3 months...)


But maybe we can help or advise with the issue ?


Other ways to contact Airbnb:

Contact Airbnb - Community Guide [Updated]


Best regards,
