We have a second house that we Airbnb when we are not there...
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We have a second house that we Airbnb when we are not there. The community has since changed the bi-laws that prohibit us fr...
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Hello everyone,
We know that information about the current coronavirus situation is being shared widely, but with all the noise it is easy to feel quite confused and lonely. So, in any way we can, we want to make sure that you all feel supported at this difficult time.
To begin with, I want to ensure you are aware of the go-to Airbnb resource for information regarding the coronavirus and hosting: Airbnb.com/COVID19.
We’re keeping it updated with Airbnb policy news, advice, and tips, so we hope you find it useful. A lot of the tips have come straight from threads shared here in the Community Center.
Head to Airbnb.com/COVID19 to find out more.
Exploring the Community Center, you’ll also see many useful topics and members sharing their own experiences and advice. Here in the Community Center, we rely on the support of our fellow members on a daily basis.
During times of uncertainty, it is important that communities really come into their own and be there for each other—and we’ve certainly never been short of camaraderie here in the CC. Currently, many people are working from home or are unable to leave their homes and it can be a lonely place to be. The Community Center is a good place to find support.
We’re planning some online meetups through this period and some activities we can all participate in “around the house,” so do keep an eye out for more information on this shortly.
In the meantime, sometimes the little things can go a long way, so please share any of your tips and supportive words for each other below.
Stay strong.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Jo56 , That isnt right at all, customers taking advantage of this situation is very concerning, about all we can do is make sure we have a long memory so those who return when things are better dont get to stay with us again. So sorry, stay well, John
I did not have one cancellation until their announcement to guest allowing cancellations with full refunds. AIRBNB did
not have the decency to contact host first before announcing this to guest. AIRBNB made it appear like they were the ones paying out of their pocket to guest. . Host are the bread and butter of this company. Without our homes they have no business. So sad AIRBNB has financially ruined a lot of people.
Upon learning that her peasant subjects had no bread, a great princess apparently said, "Let them eat cake (brioche)." Such a story, amongst other stories, led to the disdain of the elites of society as oblivious and selfish, ultimately leading to a princess' beheading.
Upon learning that Covid-19 was declared a pandemic, AirBNB said, "Let the guests cancel (freely, without restriction, and receiving 100% refunds)." Such a reality, amongst other realities, may perhaps lead to the same one day for AirBNB.
I do not knock the fact that the Covid-19 crisis is unprecedented and requires a strong community response to support each other - guests, hosts and AirBNB itself - the COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE pulling together and understanding that there will be losers on all sides and we need to help each other out as best we can, and therefore working out an equitable Extenuating Circumstances policy, not taking the expedient route as AirBNB has done.
"If in some smothering dreams you too could pace
Behind the AirBNB bus that ran over the hosts,
And watch the white eyes writhing in the faces of the broken hosts,
Their hanging faces, as they stare at the ruin of their dreams and futures;
If you could hear, at every jolt over a host, the blood
Come gargling from their hearts broken by a betrayed trust,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,—
Lizzie, you would not tell with such high zest
To hosts ardent for some show of support,
The oft-proven Lie:
Dulce et decorum est pro AirBNB mori."
- Dulce et decorum est by Wilfred Owen, paraphrased.
Remember the thousands that have been sacrificed for the sake of AirBNB's sustenance.
My fellow hosts, I know you are hurting, put please don't shoot the messengers @Lizzie @Qunicy @Stephanie are doing their best to moderate and support us in difficult times.
They are sharing our feedback and making sure Airbnb are aware of the feelings from this community of hosts.
Give them a break.
Kindness, compassion and empathy is what we need in these difficult times.
Personal attacks on our community admins is uncalled for and unnecessary @Pai207 (interesting that you have created a false profile to post here) and others.
Please stop.
Please be careful about cancelling a guest. It says you can do it 'penalty free' for eligible extenuating circumstances bookings. I rang a guest with an eligible booking to check his intentions and he confirmed that he wouldn't be coming as he had no childcare. I very politely explained how difficult it is for hosts currently and asked him if he'd be kind enough to cancel as he can do so penalty free. I explained I wanted to try to free up the calendar for other potential guests.
He didn't do so; I left it and then wrote him the same polite request and explanation. I left it a day. He still did nothing. I wrote a very polite message again explaining that I would cancel from my end as he wasn't able to come and explaining again why.
It's not penalty free:
1) You still get the auto message saying the host cancelled
2) You won't be able to take another booking as your calendar is automatically blocked and you can't edit it to show it is available.
I tried ringing Superhost support and after 2:45 mins of 'hoops' and options and then hanging on the phone, they just cut me off.
Airbnb's first action in creating this extentuating circumstances policy; the second action in shutting down and moving the conversation about throwing hosts under a bus, and this third situation with cancellation has totally and utterly destroyed my trust in Airbnb. I feel gut-wrenchingly anxious; it is my main and modest income and I feel that at every turn another curve ball will be lobbed at me.
Airbnb staff - please listen and help and put some more people on the phones!
Thank you
Because my account with AIRBNB has been deleted. After having spent 2 hours on the phone with Air BNB support re guest cancellations under the EC policy, I realised I was never going to get any recognition for my viewpoint as a host, and that AIRBNB was never interested in working with me as a host to resolve my loss, other than to quote the Covid-19 crisis and how they are justified to issue their EC policy, and that they stand by their policy to allow guests to cancel.
If AIRBNB are indeed a aware of our feedback through their messengers, have not heard a single peep from AIRBNB. For that matter, have not heard any feedback from the messengers re anything they have done or are doing internally in AirBNB to ensure our voices are heard through the comments and posts here and what, if any, considerations are now being given to the hosts. Booking.com may not be the best compared to AIRBNB, but I got the opportunity to work out cancellation with my guests.
@Lizzie @Stephanie @Quincy , I understand everyone is busy during this time but are you guys still working during this time? Is anyone from corporate checking these threads? Is there any intention to provide some answers to many discussions taking place or intent to put our hosts minds at ease as we struggle to come up with clarity on our own? Sharing in these forums is beginning to feel like a big waste of time since no answers to the many comments / thoughts across these forums are being addressed. Expectations per your last update was that you were compiling the breadth of information across many chats to help make the strongest impact. Where are we with this?
A suggestion, check in with us daily, even if just to say we are working for you, a little goes a long way and frankly you are the only corporate connection we have so we are relying on you and your efforts. Hope you and your family’s are safe and well and please don’t misunderstand my intent here, I do very much value your time and energy.
Best, Jason
Hello @Jason1350,
I hope you are having a good start to your day. I got back to you in your other threads and as this is a few days old now, do let me know if there are any questions you have asked and I may have missed. Sorry if I have.
Regarding hours, to be honest, the days are very long at the moment, and as mentioned elsewhere myself, Stephanie and Quincy have been actively reporting on all of the feedback and ideas that have been shared here in the CC on a daily basis to really escalate the voice of the community.
It has been a crazy week though and I really hope to be able to speak with you and others here in the CC more.
Please do keep me updated and let's keep chatting.
Speak to you soon.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie Good morning to you as well, no problem at all, I totally get it, there’s quite a lot happening these days. I received the responses, much appreciated, thanks again for all you do.
Thank you @Jason1350 and a big thank you for all your help.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
@Lizzie I registered for the call this morning at 10:20 AM, received a notification that my request was pending approval and I would receive an email. I received nothing.
I tried to call Airbnb, and after one hour spent talking to the representative, he tells me that unfortunately he cannot answer my question and will transfer my inquiry to the correct department. I felt like I was talking to a wall at thar moment. It’s been three days and no one from Airbnb had gotten back to me yet. Should I start to call Airbnb and spend another hour talking to the wall?
I’ve been somewhat successful at messaging them.
Hello @Sharon480,
Sorry to hear you had to spend an hour getting through to our Support Team. As you can imagine, the lines are rather inundated at the moment, even though the number of people on the lines have increased.
It sounds like it's now with the right department, but if it's not directly related to your account, someone in the CC might have experienced something similar and might be able to advice a little.
Let me know if you need any help at all and I hope you get it sorted soon.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
Yes I do need the help. A guest named Mark booked May 1st check in told me no way he is coming. and he is not canceling because he cannot get a full refund now if he cancels. He’s just waiting for Airbnb’s extenuating circumstances to include his dates, instead of clearing my calendar and give me a chance to rent to others. I told him that if later EC include his dates, he can always call Airbnb and get his refund then. Or if I get re-booked, I’ll refund him also. But he’s not doing anything to help the situation.