I received this response from Airbnb support. The first ques...
I received this response from Airbnb support. The first question I asked was “ what advice are you giving hosts who have seen...
As we have so many guests from China we are temporarily suspending instant book on all our listings due to the Virus outbreak and we need control of from where somebody is traveling from. Guests just put China as their address. We need to know from where in China.
This is a responsible position on our part and recommended by a support agent who cancelled a Chinese guests booking under exceptional circumstances. What I have issue with is that we will be penalized by Airbnb search engine and are “warned” of the effect turning off instant book will have on our future bookings
Who is being irresponsible???
Dear Alastair
I have read your message it's true you need to protect yourself and your own safety with social responsibility. If you found the guest from Coronavirus affected country you may screening them and do whatever necessary for public safety.
All the rules and regulations created by any person, company, government or any authority is to safe others but sometime the rules goes to other way. We need to understand the real fact and judge with your six sense which is god gifted to every human.
We live in society so we need to care others. If we care others then others also take care us. It's vice versa. You can send your personal opinion to Airbnb authority and the concern guest. Hope both will understand the reality and accept it.
Hope for the best.
Thank you
Hi there @Alastair0, Airbnb did release a statement on this a few days back https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Help/China-Wu-Han-pneumonia-issue/m-p/1223709/highlight/true#M26....
However, I recommend keeping an eye out as I expect further updates being released about this.
Hi thanks for the link but it says “At this time, our penalty-free cancellation policy won’t cover hosts who cancel reservations by guests in or traveling from other parts of China”
Airbnb needs to accept any host who feels uncomfortable hosting a guest from China (in the short term) is needed. This isn’t discriminatory it’s safety.
If you follow the logical extension of your argument you should also be able to cancel guests from Australia, Canada or Europe as there are outbreaks there too.
In fact there are some cases in Thailand too, so you might find guests want to cancel bookings to your area too @Alastair0 even though you are not in an affected area. How would you feel about that?
Where do you draw the line?
Personally I would be happy to take guests outside of Wu-Han region but appreciate other hosts might not feel the same.
I understand from another post here that Airbnb will accept cancellations China wide.
Give them a call and see what they say.
Well said, Helen. I think some people forget how truly large and populous China is, not to mention the other countries affected. The flu has proven to be deadlier year after year...for some reason, people have really latched on to this.
And the flu shot continues to be handed out like candy . .
This makes me smile and would love to ask if your thinking is still the same now. I live and host in the Italian red zone and have now had to shut down for a while. Bill
As an aside, with all the n-2019CoV concerns regarding health and family, I wonder @Alastair0, @Danielle476, @Quincy , @Helen3 & @Md-Mizanur1 , If more people (other than those who cannot for medical purposes) actually step forward to participate in the 2020 influenza vaccination programs, across all countries. I’m thinking more of our staff may take up the free vaccine this year! Just with everyone’s concerns, we should then translate that into real proactive actions that will more greatly protect the vulnerable in our community.
I think you are right all hosts and wider hospitality staff should really have this jab.
Here in the UK vulnerable groups access it free of charge and employers can pay for their staff to have it.
Everyone in our NHS automatically has free access to it, as has other emergency professions.
Too true @Helen3! I organise the vaccination program at work and it comes out of the WHS budget. It’s a no brainer to take the pressure off sick staff, sick leave, having to employ relief staff and the ripple on affect of cross contamination and family leave separate from sick leave. All lots of $$$$$$ on a business. The wear and tear on the healthy staff, who are often running below par just from the workload...
Too many people think they can catch the flu from the vaccine. This is incorrect as the vaccine is not a LIVE virus.
Too many people think it is just the sniffles and a few joint pains, but forget about the complications that can be deadly. Pneumonia, cardiac complications and now the ever growing link to cardiac arrests or fatalities, where there has been no known condition, other than a recent (within a month) bout of flu.... Not to mention the overall weakening of the immune system. If you have no medical reason or allergy to the vaccine, it really is a no brainer!
hello @Alastair0 @Cathie19 @Danielle476 @Helen3 and others who the @ isn't working for.
One can incorporate in ones listing to ask for an "enquiry " and further details prior to booking if say it's for over a 7-10 day duration. Quarantine for Coronavirus is 14 days away from University or school here in NZ.
I learnt they lesson from one of my first guests. You are welcome to check out my now rather lengthy listing how I've incorporated my 7-10 plus duration enquiry request.
I've had a few "enquiries" for up to 14 days from Chinese guests & have asked them to provide more details and fill in their Profiles as some are very vacant.
@Lizzie and team @Airbnb it's an opportune time to encourage and educate Chinese people to complete their profiles as it may help break down a few barriers and distress for all.
@Alastair0 So what if you get warning about how turning off IB will affect future bookings? Ignore them. Yes, you'll drop in search ranking, but it's not like you're going to have IB turned off forever. I've never used IB in my 3 years of hosting and I can assure you I get bookings.
@Alastair0 , @Sarah977 , @Helen3 , @Emilia42 , @Helen427
Currently, this is no longer an incoming issue for Australian hosts. As of 1st February, our federal government has put a blanket no arrival entry visa from anyone from mainland China, unless they are an Australian citizen, the dependants of an Australian citizen or the spouse and dependants.
Those who who fall into this category will still have to undertake 14 day self-quarantine.
So without knowing the fine print (it’s a Sunday and I’m not reading it today) I think the percentage of guests that would fall into this group, seeking a 14 day stay in an AIrbnb would be very rare. I would be surprised if the entry into the country would even be allowed unless the residence for the fourteen days was adequately equipped. Hence house rules.
Tighten your guest questioning and house rules, and all should be fine.
The US just did this too.
"U.S. citizens who have been in China's Hubei province during the past 14 days and are returning to the U.S. States will undergo health screenings and be monitored during mandatory quarantines of up to 14 days, officials said.
Azar also announced a temporary suspension of entry into the United States of foreign nationals who pose a risk for the transmission of the coronavirus.
As a precaution, any U.S. citizen who has been anywhere else in mainland China beyond Hubei province will be screened when they return for evidence of coronavirus symptoms. They will also be subject to self-quarantines of up to 14 days and monitored by local health officials.
All flights from China to the U.S. will be funneled to one of seven airports that are designated ports of entry: New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Honolulu, Los Angeles, Chicago and Atlanta.
The new rules will take effect at 5 p.m. EST Sunday, officials said.
The government has not declared any outright travel bans from the United States in association with the virus, though private companies have taken action.
Three U.S. airlines – Delta, American and United – have announced they will temporarily cancel all of their flights to and...