Switching venues in protest of Joe Gebbia

Level 2
Concord, MA

Switching venues in protest of Joe Gebbia

What are other folks doing about this devastating development. I don’t want to support DOGE but leaving Airbnb will be a hardship.  Has there been any statement from Chesky?  

3 Replies 3
Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany

Airbnb Distances Itself From Co-Founder Joe Gebbia's 'Personal Views' according to https://www.yahoo.com/news/airbnb-distances-itself-co-founder-180833211.html

Level 1
Becket, MA

I have not made a decision to do anything yet, I am not quick to act out of rage and rather like to meditate on more calculated responses to things like this.  I also only have one rental and have 4 other full time businesses and volunteer positions, including being a mother to two school aged children, so my time is spread thin. In addition, since we are newer, its really only just covering our mortgage with no profit at this point, so canceling and switching over to a new platform would put us in a very compromised position of potentially losing our investment completely while waiting for traction to pick up on another site.  I am personally watching the situation and exploring other options like VRBO, to see if I can list on another site simultaneously; unfortunately, I feel that having the freedom to protest by removing a listing is a privilege I/not everyone just doesn't have access to.  

I am a superhost with two properties and I have unlisted them. I may lose money, but I'm not going to support a fascist. AirBnB has said that it's just his "personal views" but those personal views are destroying our democracy. Until he's off the board, I'm unlisted.