Terrible guests getting away with wrong early check out

Level 1
Durban, South Africa

Terrible guests getting away with wrong early check out



I am needing assistance. Guests stayed 3 days of the 8nights. Day 3 they break my tv and after sending technical over to sort tv it’s discovered they have been forceful with the three and cracked and damaged it therefore needing to be replaced. Suddenly 3,5 hours I get told my guests are checking out due to cleanliness issues. They never mentioned a thing about cleanliness issues before breaking the tv! I then get told where can guests leave keys they checking out and then suddenly booking is changed to shortened stay all without a phone call and me completely shocked! I know have now have hardly any payout, broken tv and scratched wooden floors from the guests. When they demand no cleaning during there stay by day 3 of course it’s easy to say cleaning issues. I have pictures of the tv 10 minutes before arrival and also pictures of clean house 10 minutes prior to check in. However it’s been 2 days now and still no assistance or phone call from Airbnb. I had asked them to call me when this was all happening and still nothing.  I have voiced my say to them and I get nothing! Anyone able to give me helpful advice on this? Appreciate it ! @Airbnb 

1 Reply 1
Level 5
Richmond, ME

I keep telling hosts that Airbnb will NOT help hosts out. The End. Again, airbnb will not help hosts out. What you need to do is lick your wounds and move on. There is literally NOTHING you can do. Airbnb will NOT respond to hosts needs. There was a host that showed Airbnb a police report, pictures, you name it and still airbnb did nothing to help hosts out. i do not know what i can tell you but just to move on. it sucks and i am sorry this happened to you. Good Luck!