The Holidays...

Level 10
San Bernardino, CA

The Holidays...

Hello Hosts!


The Holidays are here!  How do you work them in your AIRBNB?  I have ladies coming from Australia for New Years Eve who have never been to the USA before... I want them to have an extra special stay with me.... any suggestions to make their stay fun?  Smiles,  Eileen

13 Replies 13
Top Contributor
Willits, CA



Good Morning to you, Eileen ...Excellent question.

When we have guests for holidays we do the same as any other time - we make it all about them. What are their goals for the stay, what would they like to do, see? If they want to sightsee, we act as concierge, arrange things, give information, etc. If they want to hike, we take them on a hike on our ranch. If they want to sleep all day, we leave them totally alone. If they want to sit on our deck for the sunrise, sunset and views of the sky, forest, mountains and clouds, that's excellent too. Hosting in our own home is a wonderful thing - we get to make their stay magic, whatever brand of magic makes them happy. 


@Kitty-and-Creek0   Hello Kitty!  Im coming to stay at your ranch oneday I want you to know that.  lol    Eileen



That would be total fun!


Alaska Airlines comes to Santa Rosa Airport from a number of points south! 

@Kitty-and-Creek0   Wonderful Kitty!  Thank you for telling me!  Eileen

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Eileen462  My suggestion is to do what you would do for guests who live in the USA. Most Australians are open-minded, but if they have emigrated from another country, they often have their homeland traditions..

It would also depend on their age and what they intend to do for their New Year's Eve.


For me as a Host by the beach in Australia, our guests usually arrive a couple of days before New Year's Eve. I usually supply our guests a hamper for their stay to get started with breakfast food.  In the past I have  added a few extras for New Year's Eve . Such as cheese, biscuits and a dip. Along with a small battery set of lights that they can set up with Happy New Year.. balloons, sparklers and poppers that have streamers.


I leave a note telling where they can see the fireworks display as we have 2 displays at 9pm and 12 midnight.and best advantage point to see them and recommend them to book into a resturant early.    


On New Years day if the Guests are still booked and staying with us. I make them a small Pavlova for afternoon tea and we offer them an invitation to join us for a social drink and nibbles if we are staying in. As we live on site it is our way of spreading a hand of friendship.


@Laurelle3   Beautiful Laurelle!  I cant wait to visit you for New Years one year!  Holiday Cheer!... Eileen

Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Eileen462 Many Australians {OSSIES} like to be outside on New Year often at street fairs or celebrations with fireworks at or before midnight. They sing "old lang syne ", although they would be hard pressed to know its meaning , and generally share a few kisses.There is always a countdown on the radio or telly. They generally have a few drinks. House parties are a feature also but some are just as happy to stay indoors and watch whatever special programmimg is available as there is generally something. They like a little excitement and to meet new people and to have a laugh , like most people. Hope that helps... H Also they make New years resolutions which they generally break soon after.

@Helen744   My goodness Helen Australians sound like so much fun to have visit!!  I cant wait to meet my Australian guests infact, I am going to take them for a nice Mexican dinner!  I am sure they have plans for New Years Eve, but I will try to make it fun here for them!  Thank you for your reply!  Happy Holidays!  Eileen

@Eileen462 . Thats sounds lovely Eileen . Happy holidays to you too.. H

@Eileen462   I have to agree with @Helen744 that many families watch the TV on New Years Eve because they show fireworks at 9pm in Sydney around the Opera House and the Harbour. 

Then the cameras go around the country to different State Capitals (7)  as they have open air concerts with people gathered around and they spill over in the streets as it is our summer.

Just like in New York for there build up to New Years Eve.


At 12 midnight the Sydney Harbour Bridge is light up with the fireworks . But we do see some Pacific countries celebrating first on the time line. Kiribati  and New Zealand 🇳🇿

We consider them as our neighbours and have Australians living in both places.


As @Helen744 mentions singing Auld Lang Syne the meaning being times gone past. It is part of our history brought by the British when they claimed this land.

But it really comes from Scotland from their Hogmanay and the words written by Robert (Robbie) Burns 

Level 2
British Columbia, Canada

Hi Eileen,

In the Holiday season I  string fairy lights on my banister, add more candles and decorate with festive decor, special tea's etc.  Also in my welcome note I mention all the special holiday events happening in my area.   I love the Christmas season but I'm mindful that the holidays mean very different things to different people.  Guests will give us clues on what kind of experience they are seeking.  


@Eileen462 wrote:

Hello Hosts!


The Holidays are here!  How do you work them in your AIRBNB?  I have ladies coming from Australia for New Years Eve who have never been to the USA before... I want them to have an extra special stay with me.... any suggestions to make their stay fun?  Smiles,  Eileen

During the holidays, I adorn my home festively, noting diverse celebrations. Guest cues guide me to tailor their experience graciously.

Best Wishes. .