Hi my name is Nirmal. Anyone interested in saleing esim?
Hi my name is Nirmal. Anyone interested in saleing esim?
Here's an interesting article i just came across: https://www.wired.co.uk/article/airbnb-coronavirus-losses
It states that 60% (!!!) of Airbnb hosts have MORE than TWO OTHER listings and argues that Airbnb has become nothing more than a hotel chain. Sadly, I have to agree. As many hosts in this forum know, I have long lamented the transition from the original spirit of Airbnb (staying with locals in their homes) to the rise of the professional host with multiple listings. I take issue with many aspects of this, primarily the housing shortage it has created worldwide, and have long been dismayed at Airbnb's unwillingness to regulate this. The hosts who are now in deep trouble and calling for legal action are mainly those who have multiple listings and have made Airbnb their primary source of income.
If Airbnb manages to survive this crisis, it is my sincere hope that it goes back to its core values and becomes a true home-sharing platform once again.
You echo all our sentiments Kath but, every time the CEO throws hosts an olive branch, it turns out to be a charred stick.
We all live in hope for something better. Airbnb has been a great part of my life, but gee I have been dodging bullets left right and centre this last couple of years.
Airbnb and Donald Trump have a lot in common.
1/.....A maniacal desire to make money.
2/... A steadfast aim to talk, not listen.
4/....Fire anyone they take a dislike too.
5/....Completely disregard sound advice.
6/....Cook the books to prove they are right.
7/.....Create confusion within the company.
There, have I missed anything!
I hope that the company don't go under, but to be honest Kath, I don't know how we can help them!
The nearer you get to become the CEO of a large company the less you remember what the company was all about!
We have just had a classic illustration of just this Kath.
Two and a half weeks ago Paul Scurrah (the CEO of Virgin Australia) went on mainstream media and assure the country Virgin was a well cashed up company with billions in reserve and were prepared to ride out the storm no mater what it took. It was great passionate stuff to watch, wasn't it Kath.
Yesterday Virgin Australia went into voluntary administration.
It's risky business to trust what comes out of CEO's mouths, and we hosts have been jacked around not knowing where the hell we stand as hosts. I would commit to something if I had the foggiest idea of what that something might be.
I am afraid we just have to ride this out and each give ourselves an exit strategy if everything does go t*ts-up.
And to think, I came to this forum today to get AWAY from politics.... What was I thinking??
@Robin4 I live in the States, your comparison is missing only 1 thing, they talk out of both sides of their mouths, you bet if trumps mouth is open, it's a lie.
It's not up to me, and it's probably not appropriate that I should be critical of your leadership, I didn't have any part in the election process but, what is happening in the US does affect us here.
We in Australia suffer very much from the 'tail of the dog' syndrome....America gets the sniffles and Australia gets a cold. Jerome Powell cuts the cash rate, Wall St gets the jitters and the Aussie stock market goes into free fall . Our economies are tied and it's in Australia's interests to see a healthy prosperous US. In fact it is vital to us to have a soundly lead US!
Somehow, in this current situation, you have to find a way of making the administration take notice of expert advice around the world. You can't keep on saying, 'it's my right to exercise my rites'!
Somehow you have to stop Mr Trump from opening his mouth and giving out his own 'rose coloured glasses' view on reality.....it's not helping you, which in turn means it's not helping us here in Australia.
I hope an pray that enough experts in the US can build up a 'herd immunity' against the Donald Trump virus and start to turn the corner and get your beautiful country back!
Apparently the moron in chief is suggesting that covid19 patients should be injected with disinfectant, "it kills the virus right" what a blonker.
@Cormac0 Unfortunately I live in the US, and yes, the moron did say that, along with trying to get UV rays inside people, honestly I wish the media wouldn't turn the cameras on til the real briefing begins. I've actually only seen the stupidity on the news I watch. If you've ever seen the show Seinfeld, there's an episode where Crammer has seizures when he hears Mary Hart's voice, that's me with the moron. Nov's election can't get here soon enough for me.
Ahhhh, but next day he turned around and said, that was just a sarcastic throw away comment solely aimed at and to confuse the CNN fake media.
Cormac, you can see what we outsiders are alarmed at?
In a litigious society such as the United States is, you can see somebody actually doing this and ending up suing Dettol, their case built around the fact that the advice to do what they did came from the commander in chief.
I understand there is already a death on his hands from statements he made about the use of a malaria drug.
I just wish the US could find a way around this pothole in the highway of democracy.
@Robin4 if you're so bothered about the cash rate the you'd be well upset with Bush and Obama. Of course you've taken all the dollars you could get your hands on from those dry bulks to China. Wall St lobbies for zirp, it's what kept the bubble going. Without Trump you wouldn't have got a rate rise. He's gone back on his stump talk of the stock market being a fat bubble so you can certainly catch him on that. Other central banks had a chance to follow the FED but chose not to, hence why Trump backtracked and we return to zero. Anyway it keeps your commodity boom propped up. Was Trump to blame for Sydney house prices. Doesn't matter who wins in November you won't see a savings rate till 2030. Anyway opportunities have arrived as the bubble starts to deflate.
@Robin4 You can count on me to do my part in seeing he's gone come Nov. Now knowing how things work between the countries, it's even more profound that the warning from AU about Russia trying to get trump elected should have been in our public eye just as you stated here. I know a few people that are still behind him, blows my mind, I also know people that are planning to vote for WHOEVER we have running against him. I think the world will be a happier place with a Joe Biden Admin running the country.
I'm so sorry, but the people here have no control over trump. He does whatever he wants and if you disagree....off with his head! I mean you get fired. He still has a ton of supporters here as well. That is especially scary! The hear what they want to hear and even excuse away his bleach ingestion comment as "he never actually said that" or " who would be stupid enough to try that". But as president there are "stupid" people out there that will try the crazy things he says. So please, pray for us! All positive thoughts are welcome!
What's Trump got to do with Airbnb? Jesus he must have got to you real bad.
Careful people - Politics is one of those touchy subjects that divides us, certainly doesn't unite us. The 'other' Airbnb forum (privately owned) is run by someone who insists on interjecting his personal political views at every opportunity and it gets old - fast.
I have only one thing to say on the subject and will put it in generalities to adhere to the above concept.
I no longer pay much attention to what someone say, but instead on what they do;. and what people do is dependent on a good intellect, broad experience and inner strength. If a leader has those qualities they will not necessarily be beloved, oftentimes are not, but they will usually be followed because humanity needs them, at times.
Agreed @Fred13 , So true, I have respected and followed many excellent leaders in my life, Most I didn't love, many I didnt even like. I've experienced very few "born leaders", nearly all have been purposefully trained, practiced and demonstrated those tenets and qualities under pressure not just prognostication. Unlike many sitcoms, most people actually don't hang out with their leaders/ bosses when they aren't working for lots of reason so it hasnt hurt my social life any.
"Leadership is the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improving the organization"
It doesnt say anything about like or love in that definition that comes from the US Army that is also perfectly applicable in all walks of civilian business. Those two important and valuable emotions aren't really required to inspire and lead humans. At the same time, I wouldn't follow very many people I love and like into a barroom or bathroom much less anywhere things could get crazy or out of control.
Also true, its best to try to speak about things here that could inspire insights and other useful, respectful exchanges about our anything related to Airbnb, hosting and such. Talking politics on a Lodging share CC isn't going to be anyone's friend in the end, it will only divide folks that have never needed to be united more in our lifetime than we Hosts of empty spaces need to do today. Thank you both for your service and your sage wisdom! Stay well, JR