how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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how can i join airbnb groups in umoja nairobi kenya
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Hi All,
Just found out that the man I thought I rented to (Khang) is not the actual person that checked in. Turns out the man that checked in, just got in from Europe and has been exposed to Coronavirus. So, I have reported all of this to Airbnb, reported his account and sent him a bill for ‘extra services’, since he did not tell me my home was going to be used for a medical quarantine. Still have not heard from Airbnb. My son just had surgery and both my kids have asthma. Other family members also have compromised immune systems. I have contacted two hazardous materials removal companies to get estimates on disinfecting the entire home. Looks like it will cost a little more than $30,000 to dispose of everything that cannot be sanitized, disinfect the entire house and then re-purchase sheets, pillows, etc, everything that I had. Beware if someone wants to rent your house for 14 days-21 days. Any suggestions? Thoughts? Is anyone else going through this and what was the outcome?
Hi Dana,
Sorry you're dealing with this - to clarify, did the guest tell you they'd been exposed?
Third party bookings are not allowed on AirBNB - tell the guest to vacate your home immediately if you're not comfortable having him/her there. Call AirBNB directly to speak to them about the issue, as e-mailing them doesn't help you in any timely fashion.
Hi Danielle- the man who booked only told me that the man can from ‘Europe’ and he is Asian. He could not confirm if the illegal guest has or does not have Coronavirus. I’ve called Airbnb twice a day, now, and I’m still waiting to hear from them about what to do next....
Wait - are you assuming he may have it just because he’s Asian? I’m confused, sorry if that’s not the case.
Where did @Dana858 assume that the guest had the virus because he is Asian? I can read. What is confusing you?
Are you trying to pull out the racism card already. Not cool!
Hi @Dana858 can you send me the contact if it is possible.
you said:
"contacted two hazardous materials removal companies to get estimates on disinfecting the entire home. Looks like it will cost a little more than $30,000".
Thank you State all safe and healthy
@Dana858 That's terrible that someone would rent an airbnb for self quarantine and I will be interested what airbnb does to assist you. In terms of disinfecting the home though, since the virus has a limited shelf life, wouldn't you simply need to leave the place vacant for maybe 1 month and then do a regular deep clean? You would still be looking at lost revenue and extra expense but nothing close to a $30K bill, which seems insanely expensive and is probably an illegal price gouge anyway. I doubt it costs that much, even meth remediation only costs a few thousand.
Hi Mark,
I will definitely post the results of this case. The Hazardous materials company said the estimate is so high, because Coronavirus can live on surfaces. The company said that they do not know what the man has touched, so they would have to disinfect and sterilize all the surfaces in my home. It might be easier have them throw everything away as biomedical waste and start over. I will definitely look into deep cleaning and will try to stay with my in-laws while this process continues. Thanks!
@Dana858 It can live on surfaces, but I've also read that transmission through surfaces is not high risk. In any case, it doesn't live forever on surfaces, it has a limited life without a host body, so you should research what that is. I seem to remember reading that it's only a few days-week. It also apparently lives longer on hard surfaces than soft. Things like throw pillows, curtains, etc, if they can't be washed, can be thrown in a hot dryer. I think spending $30,000 on a hazardous waste team and throwing things away is an overreaction, especially since you don't know if this guest has the virus or not. I understand your concern and the vulnerability of your family, but I suggest you base your procedures on facts rather than fear and panic.
Thanks for the information, Sarah. Google is a hot mess of misinformation at the moment. I think the CDC website has been the best source, but I cannot find exactly how long it can live on surfaces. I will definitely do the hot dryer method on the unwashable items. Still researching...Thanks!
Viruses can only live like 72 hours, perhaps you can give it a week to be 100% certain. The people NOT to get advice from are those gouging people 30K to clean up a virus that can't live on surfaces more than a few days.
Thanks for you post.
The people NOT to get advice from are those gouging people 30K to clean up a virus that can't live on surfaces more than a few days.
You can take that to the bank and count your savings.
@Dana858 I’m surprised Air hasn’t been in contact as all your bookings might need to be cancelled ? I guess it’s a whole new ball game for everyone and probably Air right now don’t actually know what to do.
.The gentleman in question may well have come from Italy and it’s a requirement now at least in NZ to self isolate for 14 days . Once that time has passed they are free to go. It will be interesting to see what hotels are actually doing.
Hi Ria- I know, right? It’s so strange they don’t want to cancel this man’s booking, or any others. I glad NZ seems to be taking the spread of the virus seriously. Here in the middle of the USA, life is still normal- no one seems to be concerned. If Khang had never told me this man could have Coronavirus, I would not know disinfect the entire house. My kids and I would have just come home like usual. I’m trying to find a company that can just go in and disinfect, so I can wait to bring in my family back home next week. It seems like Air is just ‘trusting’ the hosts to clean extra well between guests.
Thanks for your comments!
@Dana858 worse nightmare which is why I have turned instant bookings off.
So he was self isolating but he didn’t actually have Covid-19 ?You would have health officials knocking at your door otherwise as it would have been reported. Sheets will be fine in your hot wash and bleach . It’s stressful for you and your family though. Kia Kaha .