This is an improvement

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

This is an improvement

2020-10-17 (2).png

Just noticed this new banner. Click Get details and your unique house rules pop onto the screen.

44 Replies 44
Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


Thanks, for sharing this information.  I just checked it out.  It looks like the House Rules have been moved up to the top of the listing details.




Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

@Debra300  They do still show down at the bottom as well. 

Level 10
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil



It´s not showing for everyone.


Screenshot_2020-10-17 ✸ Wi-Fi 100Mb ✸ 43 SmartTV ✸ Full Kitchen ✸ - Apartments for Rent in Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, [...].png




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Coloque "@Ricardo". Assim eu recebo uma notificação.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

I noticed this yesterday as well, and though yay! maybe they are finally listening to what hosts objected to over a year ago, burying the house rules.   

They often roll out features at different times in different places. When they started hiding guest photos until after a booking was confirmed, it took a couple weeks after hosts in other places were reporting this change before it also changed on my account.  @Ricardo85


@Sarah977  I'll be very interested to see how many guests will now 'prove' to me that they've actually read the house rules, with them now being right in front of their eyes. Right now it's about 1 in 10. Hopefully that will improve now.

It won't be right i front of their eyes if they are only looking at the photo gallery and then going straight to filling in the reservation box  People seem to have amazingly  selective vision. 

It's always cracks me up when someone posts o the Help forum "There's no way to get i touch with Airbnb. I can't find a phone umber or anything for them!" Yet they obviously went to the Help section and clicked on "Start a conversation" without ever noticing the huge pinned "Contact Airbnb" post that's right there in front of their eyes.


Maybe you should start offering a $3/night discount to any guest who can reel off your house rules to you when they arrive.



Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia

@Colleen253 @Sarah977 @Ricardo85,

Is it possible that this small update was the thing that knocked Airbnb offline globally for half of yesterday?

Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center

Good grief, highly possible. @Debra300 

Just had the first booking post new rule banner. Guest did not read the rules. Sigh.


Still an improvement, regardless.

Level 10
Alberta, Canada

@Sarah977  Ha, yes, I've thought about rewarding those guests who actually read the rules. 


Re "without ever noticing the huge pinned "Contact Airbnb" post that's right there in front of their eyes". That post doesn't display for everyone it seems. Have no idea why. I've been on this forum for a year now and I've yet to see it. I've looked in a few corners, and I have never seen anything anywhere about how to contact Airbnb. So I can understand it.



Really? It's not on the first page of the Help Section of the forum here for you? Like partway down the first page? I only use the desktop version, maybe it's different on a phone app? @Colleen253

Nowhere to be found @Sarah977 . It's a mystery.


I don't see it whether using the app on my phone or from my laptop.

Top Contributor
Gros Islet, Saint Lucia


I don't see the Contact Airbnb link, either. 



Don't just believe what I say, check the Airbnb Help Center
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

I'll screenshot the first page of the Help section how I see it for you guys tomorrow. I'm really curious now how that page appears for you. (my account here is all technically screwed up- I can't tag more than one person ) @Colleen253