This is going to be a long stay, even tho it's only a three-dayer

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

This is going to be a long stay, even tho it's only a three-dayer

Two young guests have just arrived. I knew they arrived because they messaged me, not because they rang the doorbell (which is plain to see). 
My usual (brief) show-around was pretty much ignored and their body language said 'leave us'. I did so after pointing out the room manual (with WiFi code etc.) and being sure they knew how to operate my locks. The brand (Banham) is particular to London and a little different, so I always check. "Yes, we know how to use it" came the stern response.

Seven minutes later two-word message arrives in my inbox: "WiFi code?".
Followed by another message (three minutes after I answered the previous question): "Need bottled water and more toilet paper".
Then, as they're leaving, an almighty racket. Another message: "Lock broken, can't get out".
The lock wasn't broken. 'Operator error'.

All of this within 20 minutes of arrival. 

It's going to be a long weekend. 


Screenshot 2020-02-22 at 12.06.34.png

43 Replies 43
Level 10

I cant wait to read your review @Gordon0 

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Gordon0 I am still wondering what they did with all the toilet paper.  Did they spill the bottled water and use the loo roll to wipe it up?  Hope you are still sane ......

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I think [hope] it's instead of tissues (which I supply two packets of), and fully expect the bins to be overflowing when it comes to checkout, @Rachel0

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

It's *just* another 12 hours until these two jokers check out. Door-slamming is absolutely the norm and the power of which sees the otherwise un-scarable cat race out of the flap when it happens.

I've come home today and note (their room is downstairs, we live upstairs) a couple of lights have been left on. While I don't expect everyone to share my obsession with turning lights off, it does rather rattle me when people just can't be arsed with flicking the switch, presumably because they think it's their right, or perhaps because electricity isn't expensive where they're from.

Smile/wave. Smile/wave.     

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Gordon0 this is such a pet peeve of mine. Always tempted to put up these but think it would be a step too far... 





Oh! Thats so right/wrong on many levels. You might increase your bookings though, the wrong type of guests, and on a reoccurring basis!

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

I left private feedback suggesting they might want to think about the environment and the host's electricity bill. Deaf ears? Who knows, @Yadira22.

Level 3
Richmond, United Kingdom

I totally want to subscribe to this just to see the ending... 

Level 10
Kendal, United Kingdom


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Seeing these two dougnuts (via my outdoor camera) toddle off this morning lifted my spirits no end. But the final twist of the knife saw them leave my front door open. Not unlocked, but open.

Thankfully, my cleaner turned up an hour after they left (and we live in a private Close) so no damage was done.

The thing is, there's nothing you can do to protect yourself from these sorts. They come in all sizes, genders, colours, and from the four corners of the world.

All I can do is think of the money, and the fact it'll plump up (very slightly) my savings account.

I'm on my second glass. 

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

@Gordon0 Leaving the door open deserves 1*, n'est pas? (+ everything else.)


You're being generous with your "all nationalities & genders." I read another post that this is a TWO young Chinese females together thing.... -Which doesn't apply to singles, couples, or men!

@Gordon0  It is a bit hard to understand that level of clueless.  I can see failing to check if a door is locked,even accidentally breaking a lock, or forgetting to close a window, but leaving a door standing wide open in London???  Who does that?   

Level 10
Darwin, Australia

@Gordon0 , I’m with @Mark116 . Leaving the front door open is a very specific disregard, for the homestay space. Banging doors etc shows clueless and entitled. I do like the donut comparison. Makes me hungry and I’ve just eaten! Lol...

So please review honestly and they are definitely better suited to a hotel where a concierge, housekeeping and maintenance staff are permanently on hand to clean up their trail........

Level 10
Whitehaven, United Kingdom

They've done their reviews, @Cathie19 . Gordon was generous & gracious... but did mention the open front door! (Good!)

@Helen350 , @Gordon0  appears to always be gracious! 💐