Time is precious, don't waste it!

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

Time is precious, don't waste it!

I have been absent from my computer and the CC for the last couple of weeks, we have had my daughter, partner and 2 grandchildren over from the east coast staying with us.


For 76 years I was the last male member born into my entire family!

Three and a half years ago I relinquished that title and became the second last.

Because I waited so long to have another little man around  I don't want to let too much time get away from me and he.......


I took him to feed the local wildlife........

IMG-20240423-WA0003 2.jpg


He loves fruit and lollies so, we took him to our country's best produce growers market....all 6 acres of it.




I bought him a drone quad-copter......


IMG-20240423-WA0024 b.jpg

Which I think I got more fun out of flying than he did. 

I am trying to do things with him that I would have liked to share with my father.


They are gone now, back to the East Coast but we had such a lovely time together and I can't wait to do it again.



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Host Advisory Board Alumni
Stuttgart, Germany

Level 10
Santa Ana, CA

@Robin4 , love it!! ❤️ 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Robin4, thank you for sharing these photos. They are so lovely! Sounds like you had an amazing time with your daughter & grandkids ❤️ Time really does fly and it truly is so precious. One minute they're little babies, you blink and they're teenagers! 😅



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Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia

@Sophia  @Ana2038  @Till-and-Jutta0 

Sailah wasn't the only one who had a good time.

People are beautiful the world over!


One of the Central Market stops was of course, the Blackerby's Ol' Lolly shop. Ivy was in 7th heaven not knowing what to look at first.

The ol Lollie Shop Adelaide Markets.png

This lady came over to her and said....."Are you on school holidays?" to which Ivy said in a shy way...."Yes"!

The woman said to her...."You have a look around and pick out what you would like and bring it to me"!

Ivy quickly spied this candy and chocolate shoe.......



She took it to the lady and asked her how much money it would cost. The lady took the shoe and filled it with all the sweet treats that would fit in it and said to Ivy......"This is a treat from me to you, this is my shop, I was a little girl like you once", looking at us she said, "There's no charge"

We all shed a bit of a tear, it was a beautiful moment with a lovely person.



Level 10
Clare, Australia

@Robin4 loving this autumn weather! Your grandson looks like a champion.

We've been dry in the wine regions for about 4 and a half months now, and the vineyards are picked clean. The weather Gods are holding off, but it will rain, probably until August. You will love the 2024 Vintages, the ripening season was spectacular all over SA.

Here is a photo taken by a customer during the Barossa Wine Tour (driving my Honda). I do these on Airbnb Experiences too. 

Cheers, Charles



.Me driving on my Airbnb Experience. Sunset in the Barossa ValleyMe driving on my Airbnb Experience. Sunset in the Barossa Valley

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Good on you Charles, hope all is going well for you up there in the Clare Valley.


The little fellow has got plenty of spirit, when I last saw him in December last year he would repeat just about anything you said but, you couldn't have a conversation with him. Now, just 4 months later he will argue with me on things he thinks he knows more about than me! They grow up so fast now.


I agree with you, the weather Gods have been kind to the vintage pickers but, I don't think it is going to be one of the better vintages Charles. 

Historically the best are always the drought vintages! Because of the stress the vines suffer in a drought year, the fruit yield is a lot less but, the flavour has more intensity to make up for it.

If you go back over the decades the drought vintages,  93, 97, 20, 08 are  always the ones most sought after. This season was a problem Charles because of all the rain we had in Nov and Dec last year when the fruit was setting. Sure it's been dry since but, the harvest got the water it needed when it most needed it.

So you are right, it's going to be a bumper harvest for quantity, but I don't think it is going to be remembered (particularly amongst red wine drinkers) as a great vintage.


We do live in a great part of the world though, don't we Charles, it's still the land of opportunity. Yesterday I came back up from the Aldinga/Pt Willunga region (where my daughter has a rental property)  on the Southern Expressway with a visitor from Sydney. This person could not believe such a road existed that was free to drive on. There are no Toll roads in South Australia and yet we have one of the best road systems in the country, just hop in your car and make use of them! 

And on that note, glad to see you are a fellow Honda buff. I have had such a great run out of my two, I would never buy anything else!



@Robin4. Rob, I took delivery of some Limestone Coast Merlot yesterday. Was a top up order from a few months ago at a bargain price. Also got some NSW Hunter Semillon. Agree with the rain affecting last two years vintages though.


Glad to see my NSW GST is helping keep SA roads toll free, considering I currently live in apparently the most tolled city in the world (Sydney) 😉

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


I think most of us have had experience trying to drive in Sydney. Just to drive across Sydney can cost you $65 in tolls.  Travelling there a bit during the year I even have a Etag on the windscreen in my car, with my own toll account. The SA community have said loud and clear, the first government to introduce road tolls into SA will be lynched!

It was first suggested when the Heysen tunnels through the Adelaide hills on the South Eastern Freeway were opened in March 2000. The local government of the day copped so much flack the Prime Minister at the time John Howard had to step in to defuse the situation by decreeing that the tunnels formed part of national highway 1 and and such should be free for all road users.

Heysen tunnels.png 

The new north/south connector when finished will be a testing ground though Frances. On completion motorists will be able to drive from one side of the metropolitan area to the other, a distance of 80 Kms without striking a single  intersection or traffic light!


Frances, I am well stocked up on wine here. A friend of mine has a vineyard they started locally in 2003. They were very successful producing some award winning wines. In 2020 they sent 2,000 cartons to tap into the China market just about the time the PM Scott Morrison accused the Chinese of unleashing the Covid virus on the world . This upset the CCP mightily and overnight they put a 215% tariff on Australian wine killing the China market. 

Lloyd's 2,000 cartons plus all the rest of that wine shipment from around Australia sat off the port of Shanghai for 9 months as everyone hoped for a settlement which was not forthcoming so, it all ended up back here and has been written off to insurance.


I currently have about 20 x 1 dozen cartons sitting out the back here which didn't cost me a cent.....so every guest gets a bottle of wine with my compliments.......


Each time the stockpile starts to dwindle, Lloyd gets another half a dozen cartons for me. Whenever I drive over to the East I take some cartons for the daughters, tell me you variety of choice Frances, and I will bring a carton over for you on my next drive! It doesn't cost me anything so you might as well be a beneficiary of China's impost as well! 

Hopefully that might offset your subsidy of my toll free roads....hahaha!



@Robin4. Rob, thats a very kind offer. I am pretty picky about what I drink, though love to discover new bargains as a once off so you never know.


We drove the North-South Connector last September from the Airport to Yorke Peninsula to visit family; came back via Barossa. Thankfully car hire had up to date maps.  Roads on the peninsula are pretty poor, given the high speed limits and needing to over take all those caravans!


Its why we have a place on South Coast- no toll roads and road upgrades ensure a smooth, safe run once you get out of Sydney, which we do regularly.

Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Yes that new road down through Nowra bypassing Albion Park is 1st class.


I am still waiting on news when John Travolta is going to pilot his Qantas 707 'The last of the Hotrods' which he has donated to the HARS museum  is going to happen.

I absolutely want to be there to see him walk down those steps from that plane for the last time.

That aircraft was one of a dozen that were specially built by Boeing for Qantas Airlines that were affectionately called the 'hotrods' because of their enhanced performance and this one of Travolta's is the last operational example.

I will drive half way across Australia to see that moment!.

