Tone of media coverage on Airbnb “NIGHTMARES” and SHHHH it’s a SECRET they don’t want you know

Level 3
Palm Springs, CA

Tone of media coverage on Airbnb “NIGHTMARES” and SHHHH it’s a SECRET they don’t want you know

I am all about encouraging transparency and shedding light on atrocities that render victims silent or without the power/courage to speak out about what occurred to them. However, the “investigatory” report that Bloomberg Businessweek ran on how Airbnb is spending millions to make nightmare Airbnb experiences disappear seems so biased to me.


I understand the crime of rape is a serious one and requires a certain sensitivity when discussing it, but Bloomberg’s tone and dramatic cinematic direction of the short video interview with the reporter that investigated the topic clearly is trying to instill fear in viewers by using long pauses, dark and sinister-like: lighting, music, and images, depicting Airbnb’s Trust& Safety response-team as some kind of “secret society” akin to the Mossad or CIA, and flashing a huge WARNING!!! that what you are about to listen to may be very disturbing for some viewers.


Really? Ok, because I’m watching my local news and followed the senate confirmation hearing of Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh and those accounts of women being victimized were way more disturbing and almost unbearable to stomach listening to, then the crime facts as reported by Bloomberg in their “exposé” and neither the local news or the Kavanaugh coverage provided me such a BOLD-clear-pronounced warning that both readily prepares you to shut it off at an instant and also perversely titillates you to be on the edge of your seat ready to take in the graphic nature it may broadcast.


Again not trying to minimize what happened to the victim in this situation. It was wrong. It should not have happened to her. We should prevent it from happening to others.


But, SHAME ON BLOOMBERG for using a victim’s story as click-bate to entice readers/viewers to their site, and using drama/theatrics to color and sway viewers perception of Airbnb’s business policy/practices, when they could have simply presented the same facts neutrally and in an unbiased format and allow us the viewers to decide just how evil, secretive, sinister or “DISTURBING” the Airbnb boogie-monster they concocted really is, or is not. NOTE: Even the ghost-like apparition of Airbnb logo on the story cover was designed by Bloomberg’s horror flick dept to scare you. 

BOO-berg, two thumbs down for your movie:




Que Será Será, What Will Be Will Be-CHANGED!
3 Replies 3
Level 10
Auckland, New Zealand

That is so typical sensationalist media.


Rape can and sadly does happen anywhere and not just in Airbnbs.


Take away the name Airbnb and return to balanced reporting.


It wasn't that long ago people lost their jobs for been on Facebook during working hours and now we have all manner of Politicians and others during Working hours posting all sorts of rubbish unrelated to their PAID WORK by us the mere mortals...


The media since it was taken over by MSN around 20 years ago has turned to utter trash.
Bloomberg should perhaps do a story on that!!

A lot of us didn’t find this sensationalist. What it confirmed is what hosts have been complaining would happen for years…that by having zero quality control on vetting hosts and guests before they can use the platform , but holding all the cards (guest and host identities) a host snd/or guest would be hurt or killed.


Now we know it’s already happened, something Airbnb didn’t bother to infirm us about themselves.


Airbnb doesn’t provide the tools to promote safety. If anything its knee jerk reaction to potential discrimination and its lax security protocols make it a prime target for this type of thing. 


The lack empathy for the women who’ve been assaulted and for the woman who was killed is appalling.



@Christine615 my empathy for the female victims is what motivated me to think of a subversive way to share their trauma with a more diverse demographic then Bloomberg Business News' viewers/followers (who are primarily straight white wealthy men in finance). By utilizing a platform owned & paid-for by Airbnb to distribute "copies" of the victims narrative as retold by the investigative reporter, my hope is that is my own small way I did my part to lend a voice to those that have been silenced or  made to disappear. Please channel your rage at our callousness for the victims by sharing the link to the victims' horror-flick on your social media, so that their silence ends with you 😉 

Que Será Será, What Will Be Will Be-CHANGED!